Decipherzone submitted the following stories to BizSugar

The year 2019 is yet to arrive soon through the strong demand for technological developments has been indicating emerging technological trends that will overpower the tech world in 2019. Read More
As most of us know blockchain came into limelight in 2009 with the ICO of bitcoin which was developed by Satoshi Nakamoto. What we don’t know and not even questioned ourselves was why an alternative currency was developed which has no financial backing even though it became extravagantly popular wa Read More
IP addresses are unique identification numbers that are required by ISPs and websites to provide you service for your request. Government authorities usually monitor IP address to find suspicious illegal activities. Read More
Whom to hire: Agencies vs freelancers for remote development?

Businesses and persons often need a web app developer to create software that can solve their problem and it can be accessed from anywhere. But how to hire developers and how much does it cost to hire a developer. Read More
Web Application Development trend is on the rise but it is a tedious task to recruit diversified workforce required for developing a Web Application. The article intends to let you know what to consider for hiring a great Web App developer. Read More
The software development process is divided into 5 steps so that requirements mismatching, work redoing can be eliminated and overall code quality can be improved. Web app (Web applications) development time is less because the overall code can be simultaneously developed by different developers. Read More
Trust & Security is the biggest concern in our technological world because data is always vulnerable over the internet. The blockchain is an ingenious invention of the 21st century that took a completely different approach to store, protect data & establish trust. Read More

AI Consumer Insights: What companies are tracking?

Avatar Posted by decipherzone under Technology
From 1988 days ago
Made Hot by: JoshRed on April 10, 2019 10:16 am
Artificial Intelligence is an ongoing trend which is hyped a lot but the perception of people is positive as well as negative. People are quite sceptical about the fact that AI can pose a threat to humans and their privacy which really depends on how we use AI. Read More
Recently winners of Turing Award have been announced as Yann LeCun, Geoff Hinton, and Yoshua Bengio for contribution Artificial intelligence. Let’s learn about their journey and the evolution of Artificial intelligence. Read More
Artificial intelligence is among the top technologies of the 21st century’s prominent technology stack. Artificial intelligence and its subsets deep learning and machine learning have brought a wide range of use cases into the light. Read More

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