Elainerogers submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Whether you are a lone ranger or club member, blogging is an important part of your business social media strategy. This post looks at 10 advantages of both types of blogging, and the different strategies behind them. Read More
Time Management is a contradiction in itself! It is also a myth! In this post, I discuss the four generations of time management, and how really working with the fourth can help our time management skills hugely (inspired by Stephen Covey) Read More
Password protection is becoming harder and harder. Generating passwords is one of those have-to-do tasks. These tips will help you generate clever and secure passwords, that you can easily memorize and change with a simple system. Read More
Tweak Your Biz TV interviews Samantha Kelly of Funky Goddess, a business that began as an online store selling gift boxes for young teenage girls called “Welcome to Womanhood” The business has grown into new markets both online and offline. Samantha discusses the challenges facing a business operat Read More
Oprah endorsed the iPad in her TOP 2010 things to love. The iPad and other tablets have become an important aspect of productivity and working on the move. This post provides you with a guide to some of the most popular productivity apps available for the iPad Read More

TweakYourBiz TV talks with Entrepreneur Bill Liao

Avatar Posted by elainerogers under Technology
From http://tweakyourbiz.com 4412 days ago
Made Hot by: smallbizwoman on June 30, 2012 4:57 am
Elaine Rogers at Tweak Your Biz TV talks with Bill Liao, an Australian, a successful entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist based in Ireland. Bill is Co-founder of Coderdojo and venture partner with SOS Ventures. We discuss business, bikinis and code. Read More
Think about the last time you went shopping for clothes, electronics, shoes, or computers in your local town or shopping centre. Availing of proper services for your business is akin to a having a Personal Shopper. Read More
Obviously, there are specific tools we can use to help with nerves, but in most cases if you are passionate about your subject, and have properly prepared and done a practice run. These simple 4 GROW tips will help you get through that presentation with ease. Read More
THE most important thing to know about stress is that it is a state. In almost all cases, stress is not a permanent way of being, but an unpleasant state of anxiety. In this post we will discuss 5 of the top work related stress busters. Read More
Theory X is the view that traditional management has taken towards the workforce. Many organisations are now taking the enlightened view of theory Y. A boss can be viewed as taking the theory X approach, while a leader takes the theory Y approach. Read More

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