Esheckler submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Facebook Focuses on Mobile at F8 2014

Avatar Posted by esheckler under Social Media
From 3739 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on May 3, 2014 12:57 pm
Facebook is introducing new privacy features which allow users to sign into apps anonymously and choose how to share their information, and new mobile features which allow advertisers to place ads in third-party apps. Read More

Pinterest Launches Guided Search

Avatar Posted by esheckler under Social Media
From 3739 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on May 3, 2014 1:16 pm
Pinterest is at it again. On Thursday, April 24, the popular site introduced yet another new and promising feature—the guided search. So far, it has been released in a mobile format in English. But it will soon hit the web and be available in multiple languages. Read More
We inbound marketers have the system down pretty well, but honestly, it’s still fairly new. We’re learning not to dismiss any ideas until we’ve tested them. Here are six unusual inbound marketing tactics that actually work. Read More
Credit cards sometimes have a bad reputation. But many credit card users out there are very responsible, rarely carrying a balance over to the next month. When used responsibly, credit cards can actually benefit your finances. Here are 5 reasons we love credit cards (and you should too!) Read More

What Does Vic Gundotra's Departure Mean for Google+?

Avatar Posted by esheckler under Social Media
From 3742 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on April 30, 2014 4:45 pm
On Thursday, April 24, Google+ head Vic Gundotra announced his resignation from Google. Rumors are already swirling the internet about what this means for Google's social network, and what it means for small business marketing. Read More

5 Common Misconceptions About Credit Cards

Avatar Posted by esheckler under Finance
From 3742 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on May 2, 2014 11:18 am
With more than 70 percent of Americans owning at least one credit card, it’s important that we as consumers understand how they work. And yet, many dangerous myths about credit cards persist. Check out these five common misconceptions about credit cards. Read More
If a sales agent tells you one of the following four things, you may be dealing with the payment processing equivalent of a slick, shady used car salesman. Read More
Breaks aren’t just the product of laziness or a short attention span. A growing body of scientific research supports an idea we’ve always understood: Regular breaks enhance your cognitive powers of concentration and creativity, and help preserve your physical health. Read More
You're probably aware of tax write-offs like mileage and charitable donations. But did you know that payment processing is a tax write-off for small businesses? Read More
Environmentalists have been saying it for years—wasting paper can be harmful for the earth. Whether you have jumped on the green bandwagon or not, statistics show that limiting the paper you use can really help our environment—and also your wallet! Read More

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