Esheckler submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Inbound marketing continues to make waves with its popularity and effectiveness. Now more than ever, it's imperative that your business is utilizing this marketing method. Obviously, you don't have to take my word for this: I'll use plenty of statistics to persuade you. Read More

Flipboard App Organizes Online Reading

Avatar Posted by esheckler under Technology
From 3690 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on June 30, 2014 5:18 pm
Ever look at your computer screen and find that you have about 15 tabs open and you can’t remember which one is what? What about the times on your phone, flipping back and forth from app to app? Want an answer to keeping it all straight? Flipboard is an app for multi-tab users everywhere. Read More
According to a survey by The Yankee Group and compiled by Business Insider Intelligence, iOS users spend nearly double what Android users spend in similar mobile proximity transactions. Read More
Ten weeks ago, Leilani got promoted to Mom. As she continues to interview, write, and edit these articles, and reflect on her own business experience, she thinks being a mom is a lot like being an entrepreneur. Read More
Let’s think about inbound marketing in terms of dating. We’ve all had some experience with this and can relate in one way or another. Let’s start with looking at the old way of marketing. Read More
On Tuesday, June 3, one of our favorite social media platforms introduced some great new updates. Instagram, the popular photo-sharing app, released improved photo-editing features to maximize the user experience and bring out the best in smartphone photos.
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By now you should know that media is moving away from print and billboards, and toward digital media. You may assume you have to post 10 to 15 times a day in order to get noticed. Well, you know what happens when you assume, right?
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This week, Amazon is expected to announce the greatest step in its quest to make online shopping ridiculously easy: the Amazon smartphone. Read More
Nothing crosses cultures and brings people together like soccer. Brazil and Croatia will kicked off the World Cup on Thursday, drawing attention from people of every race, language, and nation. As if to prove the unifying power of the event, this year’s World Cup theme song is titled “We Are One.” Read More

You’re Not a Leader if No one is Following You - PayProTec

Avatar Posted by esheckler under Management
From 3698 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on June 17, 2014 8:17 pm
You’re not a leader if no one is following you. But you can’t force people to walk in your footsteps. The ability to have followers is dependent upon who you are as a person. Read More

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