Ferdiepre13 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Check out this awesome post of Ben Mulholland from Process Street on how marketers can improve customer service.
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If you’re new to the social network, here are some tips to enhance your LinkedIn strategy and increase your social reach.. Read More
LinkedIn was started on May 5th 2003 and transformed the way business professionals connect worldwide. Today, it is used in 200 countries and 24 languages by over 380 million experts, consultants and professionals. As the company grew, it evolved to include key features for marketing and talent sol Read More
With over 300 million active monthly users, Instagram isn’t just a niche social network anymore; it’s a force to be reckoned with, and one that your business should use. It’s a streamlined platform that drops the feature frills of other social networks and focuses on only the visual.

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Research on the force behind viral content found that a majority of viral posts online aroused strong emotions. These include content that caused uncertainty, curiosity, surprise and anticipation in the audience. Posts that brought out joyous emotions also went viral. You therefore need to post con Read More
Are you writing effective Pin descriptions on Pinterest? Would you like to write better descriptions for your pins? Read More
While using Twitter for marketing purposes can be fun, it is not always easy to quickly build up a real audience. After you think long and hard about your startup’s voice and target audience, it’s important that your tweets reflect your objectives. Every tweet should be seen as a way to establish y Read More
By now, you’re probably familiar with the power of social media, and more specifically, one of our favorite platforms, Twitter. With over 500 million Tweets being sent each day and hundreds of millions of users, Twitter offers an opportunity to promote your business and of course, your stunning we Read More
Should you be using Pinterest for business? With so many other social networks to choose from, why Pinterest?

Pinterest is different from other social media platforms in that it acts more like a search engine. That alone makes it a powerful medium for your business. The right people—the people w Read More
There are a ton of people who see LinkedIn as the “set and forget” social network. It’s where you put your resume, and if you’re lucky you can form a connection or two with some of the people from your past businesses or jobs, but other than that – it’s the network most professionals love to hate. Read More

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