Ferdiepre13 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

As your social media audience grows, a microscope is placed on the value you’re driving with your efforts. You can’t afford to be careless with the content you publish.

To get a better understanding of the specific aspects that make a Facebook post successful, we culled the most pertinent data f Read More
Twitter is any marketer’s dream platform. With more than 284 million active monthly users and a monthly volume of more than 500 million Tweets, Twitter allows businesses of every size to monitor their target customers closely, engage them regularly and drive more sales. Read More
Posting on IG is a pretty easy way to increase visibility and give your fans/customers a fun way to interact with you. (You can even build an Instagram photo vote contest using ShortStack?).. Read More
We’ve previously went in-depth on tips for posting on Facebook for small businesses, but today the focus is going to be on how to post on Twitter. While both of these platforms are crucial for businesses wanting to connect with current and prospective customers, it’s important to know that creating Read More
When most people think about using Instagram, they think about it for personal reasons. The idea of sharing what you ate for dinner or another selfie probably isn’t what you think of when it comes to social media marketing for your business. Fortunately though, Instagram really is about a lot more Read More
These marketers have increased their clients' profits by as much as 800 percent. Boost your brand and create sales with Facebook marketing. Here's how. Read More
As far as social media marketing goes, Twitter is one of the major players. With over 320 million monthly active users on the site, it’s easy to see why Twitter is one of the platforms most businesses and marketers could benefit from joining.

But here’s the big question: how do you get some of t Read More
Facebook video is taking over. Last year, for the first time, it surpassed the number of YouTube videos that were uploaded to pages on the site.

While it’s important for brands to make use of various types of marketing channels, uploading videos directly to Facebook can greatly benefit your page Read More
Ensure your company starts off on the right foot by hiring great people and creating a culture-driven workplace where employees can thrive. Read More
Facebook remains one of the most popular social media platforms for consumers and businesses alike. With 1.86 billion monthly active users, it’s no surprise that marketers continue to use Facebook to interact with their customers. In fact, 42% of marketers believe Facebook marketing is critical to Read More

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