Ferdiepre13 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

With more than 300 million active monthly users Twitter has become a powerhouse and terrific medium for creating and reinforcing a brand image. Most marketers would probably agree that it’s transformed a great deal from the original intent of the social platform.

Today, it’s an amazing tool for Read More
Millions of people globally are now using Instagram. Instagram has made it simpler to take photos and also share them with friends and many people appreciate doing this. In addition to networking, you can use Instagram in a much more efficient method for marketing. Instagram is a fantastic promotio Read More
Just like any new account on any social media site, it can take a while to grow an audience. Here are some tips to grow your Instagram audience quickly. Read More
Whether you’ve been in business for years or are just getting started, running your office as efficiently as possible is likely to be pretty high on your list of priorities. An efficient office means happier and more productive employees, less mistakes and, hopefully, higher revenue. Read More
It's possible by now that your B2B business has created, or at least contemplated, a presence on the ever so popular and growing Pinterest. It's hard to overlook the incredible growth this social media site has received and the potential it offers for both B2C and B2B marketers to engage with curre Read More
Did you know that 74% of adults online use social media? Of that, 23% are on Twitter. That’s almost a fourth of the adult population, over the age of 18, who are using Twitter. As Twitter continues to increase in popularity as a social media tool, so does its importance as an online marketing resou Read More
With 600 million unique monthly users worldwide, Instagram marketing can be an incredibly valuable tool in your social media marketing. But you have to be strategic to make a real impact, grow your followers, and benefit your business.

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Facebook is the most powerful marketing tool in the present times. It currently registers 1,871,000,000 active users and the number is still counting. When it comes to building marketing strategies for any business, it is really difficult to ignore the figure of its active users. Thus, businesses o Read More
It’s a common story - a business creates an Instagram account hoping to market their awesome product to the platform’s 600 million users. Fast forward a mo Read More
Original research by Process Street dives into how sales teams at 3 top SaaS companies teams follow-up with leads. Read More

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