Ferdiepre13 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Like every platform, the first to using Facebook is to understand how to setup your account.

Depending on your goals and your type of business, you need to understand how to setup your Facebook page for success.

Important considerations for setting up Facebook Fanpage

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Training employees correctly is important to a small business. Implement standard operating procedures and set new hires up for success.
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LinkedIn has been growing stronger as a platform and is becoming a contender for getting more eyeballs on your content. With the opening up of LinkedIn Publishing to all members, and the popularity of LinkedIn Pulse, it’s easier right now to connect with more members of your ideal audience.

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The popularity of Instagram as a marketing tool continues to increase. It has well over half a million monthly active users sharing close to 100 million images and videos and clicking the like button on about 5 million posts on a daily basis. About half of all global businesses are now on the platf Read More
I have imposter syndrome. Possibly you do, too–or have at some point. In my case, I feel like I don’t deserve to write for respected publications. Every other writer is more talented and insightful. Read More

How Feeling Like A Fraud Has Helped My Productivity & Career

Avatar Posted by ferdiepre13 under Self-Development
From https://medium.com 2586 days ago
Made Hot by: LoopLooper on September 3, 2017 7:34 pm
I have imposter syndrome. Possibly you do, too–or have at some point. In my case, I feel like I don’t deserve to write for respected publications. Every other writer is more talented and insightful.
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With the mainstream acceptance of social media marketing, social media isn't just for friends and family anymore.

The network at the forefront of the professional movement on social media is undoubtedly LinkedIn. Read More
LinkedIn has opened the floodgates to a world of content with their new publishing platform and it’s an amazing way to expose your writing to a highly-professional network of readers. Read More
Read on for expert-backed ways to make your profile seriously shine—and start getting noticed by recruiters. Read More
Discover the automation resources that will help you super-charge your lead education and client onboarding systems to free up your day and increase revenue.
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