Graemebengeseo submitted the following stories to BizSugar

The Cambridge Satchel Company Grew From A Kitchen To A Retail Business By Creating A Social Object. I have a look at how the firm leveraged Hugh Macleod's "social object" concept. Read More
About Us pages are ten a penny and most are pretty bland, as if written by the company historian. Here I look at what goes into making an effective About Us page referencing a few great examples. Read More
Following One Of Those "What If" Trains Of Thoughts, I Take A Look At The Merits Of Landing Pages And How They Can Be Integrated Into Web Strategy . Read More
Wading through the colossal amount of published content on how many users the various social networks have is pretty laborious and often devoid of real materiality. I've been using Repinly recently to get my head around what Pinterest has to offer. In this post I share the top categories gaining tr Read More

The Power of Negative (Keyword) Thinking

Avatar Posted by graemebengeseo under Online Marketing
From 4277 days ago
Made Hot by: JimmyJams on November 10, 2012 4:56 am
Negative keywords now play an absolutely vital part of any AdWords campaign. My video explains what they do, what the benefits are and how to add them to your AdWords campaigns. Read More
I've had a crack at making a custom search engine. Turns out it's pretty simple! I've put one together here to use for online marketing advice and tips. I've used the following 14 top notch blogs but will be adding to it.
*Search Engine Land
*John Doherty
*SEO By The Sea
*SEO Gadget
*Kaiser Th Read More
Outbound Linking May Not Be Sexy But It Can Improve Your Search Engine Presence By Building Credibility And Attract Inbound Links. Read More

4 Social Monitoring Tools For The Busy Business

Avatar Posted by graemebengeseo under Social Media
From 4333 days ago
Made Hot by: Sun Tzu Business Guide on September 15, 2012 4:21 am
Here we look at 4 tools that help the busy business keep up to date with industry news, customer interaction as well as finding the next golden keyword . Read More
Keyword rankings can differ regionally in search engines by 4 positions on average. What does this means for businesses? Who is effected? What does the Linkdex Geo-rankings data offer?

Here I look into Geo-rankings, geo-variances and also look at recommendations for local SEO. Read More
Here's my latest blog post on the challenges Google's Author Rank faces. Ultimately a force for good, if we could just leverage it properly. Read More

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