Ingebridget submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Owning a business can be a rewarding but emotional experience. That's why businesses owners are often driven to tears. Read More

How business owners/entrepreneurs are labeled

How business owners/entrepreneurs are labeled  - Avatar Posted by ingebridget under Startups
From 4126 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on March 18, 2013 8:13 pm
Labels like entrepreneur, lifestyle entrepreneur, serial entrepreneur can have stigmas attached to them. This article looks at how each are perceived. Read More

4 ways to improve a sales call

4 ways to improve a sales call  - Avatar Posted by ingebridget under Sales
From 4127 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on March 18, 2013 1:02 pm
There are four basic things you should do on a sales call -- and most people don't do them. Brad Farris reviews each and explains their importance in the process. Read More

Tips for small business hiring, recruiting

Tips for small business hiring, recruiting  - Avatar Posted by ingebridget under Human Resources
From 4128 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on March 18, 2013 10:48 am
Hiring good solid candidate takes some time planning, but the results are well worth it. This article offers tips for hiring and recruiting new employees. Read More
Investing in SEO and content marketing will pay off should you sell your business someday, according to a former mergers and acquisitions professional. Read More
When you are fully engaged in observing the movements of another person, you subconsciously become focused, and can observe and listen closely to what’s being said. Read More
While exciting startup stories like Groupon always make headlines, what business owners should really strive for is to have a quiet but consistent success story. Read More
Business owners can avoid delinquent accounts by setting up more beneficial payment terms. They should also avoid working for people who they know don't pay. Read More
You may dream about this, but no one ever does it. Until now. Frank Jonen, who runs his own small Web design company, claims he wasn't paid properly by Fitness SF, one of his clients. So, he went and replaced the Fitness SF website with an angry letter about how evil the bastards at Fitness SF are. Read More

How much should business owners work?

How much should business owners work?  - Avatar Posted by ingebridget under Self-Development
From 4136 days ago
Made Hot by: FrankenBlogger on March 9, 2013 9:06 am
Business owners tend to work many hours building their businesses. But how many hours a week is considered "normal"? This report shows the habits of other business owners. Read More

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