Ingebridget submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Business leaders must know how to influence people. Here are 5 who do just that, but in different ways. Read More

How to deal with payroll, cash flow issues

How to deal with payroll, cash flow issues  - Avatar Posted by ingebridget under Finance
From 4183 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on January 26, 2013 5:26 pm
Small businesses often encounter cash flow issues, which affects their ability to meet employee payroll (and pay bills). If this is a regular occurrence, some changes need to be made within the business. Read More
The walking meeting encourages fitness and well being, but the extra energy can also bring about increased productivity and innovation. Read More
Business owners share the best leadership advice they ever received. Not surprisingly, the list includes very basic -- but so true -- advice about how to treat your team, how to ask for feedback and how to start your day as a business owner. Read More
Business owners tend to burn quickly because of the amount of pressure and stress they face. The Energy Project is one source for refueling. Read More
Small Business Advisor Brad Farris reflects on the launch of his new online small business owner community, EnMast. The site serves small-business owners who need quick, useful information to help them lead successful businesses. A membership area of the site allows for unlimited access of valuable Read More

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