Irfanahmad1989 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

This infographic from cloudtactix aims to explain how and why local SEO can help your business, and guide you through the basics of beginning the process. We hope you find the content within helpful and encouraging. Read More
The holiday shopping season seems to start earlier and earlier each year, but small businesses owners can still drive significant revenue and foster long-term loyalty by employing these timely marketing tips ahead of the final rush. Read More

The Power of Twitter Monitoring [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Power of Twitter Monitoring [INFOGRAPHIC] - Avatar Posted by irfanahmad1989 under Social Media
From 3826 days ago
Made Hot by: Digitaladvert on December 22, 2013 11:30 am
8 out of 10 business think that social media can harm a businesses' reputation, if not used properly. Check out this visual for some stunning statistics that show the impact of Twitter, how twitter affects purchasing decision, what are the biggest challenge for corporate media involvement? Why bran Read More
When you’re looking to raise awareness of your exciting new startup, drive website traffic to your business website or let everybody know about your incredible new products and services, one of the most effective ways to do this is to tap into existing sources of online influence.This visual from T Read More
Twitter is quickly becoming a vital social media arsenal for business owners; particularly those who offer services to the public. But like all other marketing channels there are some good ways to approach Twitter in order to build your following and make your presence known. When you are using Twi Read More
Companies are dedicating more effort and resources to their social business efforts, yet many still lack a strategic foundation to start from. This infographic from the team of altimetergroupwhich shows how companies are formalizing, organizing, and growing their social media efforts. Read More
The world is becoming more competitive as each day goes by. There is hardly market which isn`t completely saturated with companies struggling for their piece of the cake and trying to balance reaching out to new customers and holding on to the ones they currently have. In such an environment, you n Read More
As an entrepreneur, the main quality you must possess is the burning desire to start that dream business. Running a small business isn’t for the ambivalent, the indifferent, or the faint of heart.

You have to really, really want to be your own boss, transform your dream into reality, or market Read More
Ever wonder what’s going on with all of the web content. We wondered too. Questions like, how many articles are being posted online per day and where is all that awesome traffic coming from, kept running through our heads. Check out this infographic to see A Day in the Life of Web Content. Read More
Social media has carved out its niche in business, and now that people and companies are there, they’re trying to learn how to properly use it.

While social media cheat-sheets and short cuts are available almost everywhere we look, the truth is that we have some work ahead of us. The team at Wil Read More

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