Ivanpw submitted the following stories to BizSugar

In online business where what's legal or not is blurred in what's called a grey area, the only left is your personal ethic. This also holds true with web directories. Read More
The slow economic recovery, prolonged global recession, and uncertain future push businesses to the limit. Entrepreneurs may tempted to rant and whine. Don't. Read More
This week, Cloud Business Review features an article by Michael Liebow, published on GigaOm, elaborating that if you consider 2010 as the year of the cloud, you ain’t seen nothing yet. In 2011, cloud computing will enable “IT as a business.” Read More
Great startups make life easier. Ongo, a personal news aggregation service, does just that; that's why I think it is going to be a major success. Read More
Cloud security is something that many businesses are not paying enough attention to, nor devoting enough time to making sure that things are secure. Read More
Social media applications can pose serious threats to your small business' network security, sensitive data, and employee productivity. Read More
Social enterprise is not for everyone. Having said that, here are 5 steps to building a social enterprise elucidated with the UTMT (Under The Mango Tree) model. Read More
To expand its growing global video game streaming service, Playcast Media Systems Ltd. announced today that it has raised $10 million in Series B financing from MK Capital and JVP. Read More
There are significant movement in cloud computing adoption by countries in Asian region. Indeed, Asian countries are catching up real fast. Read More
I've found the biggest web directory list I've ever encountered on the Net: DownloadSoftFree's directory of 6,600 directories - and counting. Read More

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