Ivanwalsh submitted the following stories to BizSugar

One of the simplest ways to increase your web traffic is to fine-tune your Permalinks Settings in Wordpress. By default WordPress uses web URLs which have question marks and numbers in them. For SEO purposes, these are not very helpful as search engines cannot understand what these mean. You can ho Read More
Two of our family friends are single moms with kids. They asked me to give them some ideas of how they can get started and develop income by working over the web. One has a degree in software development, while the other is a real go-getter and can learn things very quickly. Here are some of the wa Read More

The Art of Non-Conformity

Avatar Posted by ivanwalsh under Strategy
From http://www.chrisbrogan.com 5053 days ago
Made Hot by: lovedthisarticle! on November 10, 2010 2:37 pm
The Art of Non-Conformity is your anthem, if you’re looking to achieve escape velocity. If you want to take the road less traveled and do it in style, it’s Chris’s book for you. Here’s a video review: Read More
One of the dilemmas when using email is deciding if you should send the entire blog post in the email or just an extract. I do both on different sites as my readers have different preferences. Recently, I moved to AWeber as it lets me send extracts (teasers) via email and then encourage them to vis Read More
If you decide to start contracting, one of the hardest things to work out is what daily rate to charge. Many of the readers on this site are looking at ways to escape the 9-5 and moving into contracting is one way to start this process. Read More
Karen from Sacramento emailed me and asked how to write more blog posts. I write between 1,000 and 3,000 words per day. The way I do this is to have a writing framework that lets me define the topic, write the post and publish it every quickly. Here’s how I do it. Read More
Look at how he does it. His writing style is crisp, direct and engaging. All the signs of a great writer. Look at how he makes long sentences short, mundane subjects interesting, and clips along at a nice pace. Business writers can use these techniques to improve business plans, proposals, white pa Read More
This tutorial shows how identify your top-performing 'money pages' using Google Analytics. One mistake to avoid when selling online is to offer too many products. Instead, focus on 3-5 products at most and you’ll have get sales. Read how to identify, optimize and promote these pages. Read More

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