Jasonfox submitted the following stories to BizSugar

I think that farming is making a comeback! In part, because very few real estate agents are doing it any longer.

And what better opportunity do you need than knowing you can create a farm that doesn’t have any competition for business…you could easily take the Lions share of the market share in Read More
You can create a robust real estate lead generation machine for practically nothing. Just follow the 6 steps outlined above. Read More
“68 percent of people work with the first pro they have an actual conversation with in person. Knowing this, the real question is: How do we get consumers to reply to us so we can create a conversation?” ~ RealtorMag Read More
Infographics are a great way to get your Real Estate content marketing campaign rolling. I have included 60 different real estate infographics that you can use to start adding content to your real estate blog.

To use any of the infographics that I have added to this blog post just click on Read More
Use these 5 social media rules in your business and it will help you build your revenue, your professional reputation, and your brand. No matter where you are with your understanding of digital marketing, it’s never too late to choose one social media platform to start posting regularly on.

Reme Read More
The above information summarizes the most important information on how to SEO for real estate.

Why you want SEO. How to get started building your world-class real estate SEO campaign, including:

Doing Thorough Research
Knowing Your Audience
Keyword Research
Crafting a Cont Read More
There are a ton of great tools available to help making content for your real estate website better, faster, and more effective. This blog post showcases 5 tools that you can start using right away.

Adding content to your site is what will eventually set it apart from your competition… you can Read More
You must let the process take its course. However, with hard work and an attention to the Plan, Systems and Tools…your website can play a large role in how you run your real estate business with great success and efficiency! Read More

Stop Worrying About What Google Thinks And Just Add Content

Avatar Posted by jasonfox under Online Marketing
From http://www.jasonfox.me 3264 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on August 25, 2015 11:19 am
Google is only 1 source of traffic to your real estate website… there are Thousand’s of other sources and the majority of them could care less how many words your blog post is or whether it is optimized for SEO. Read More
“How do you turn leads into clients? Strong personal skills and services are one part. The other piece: Having a system that keeps track of prospects, so they keep track of you when they’re ready to buy or sell.” (Realtor Mag) Read More

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