Jasonfox submitted the following stories to BizSugar

In my search for the best social sharing plugin I have kissed some frogs, and now I have met my prince. Not all of the plugins I tested were frogs, some were very good… but for me, just Not Great. Read More
Trying to get your content shared on Social Media is exhausting as it is… using words that get shared on social media consistently in your content may make it a bit easier! Read More

How To Exclude People From Facebook Ads

Avatar Posted by jasonfox under Social Media
From http://www.jasonfox.me 3654 days ago
Made Hot by: profmarketing on August 4, 2014 7:35 pm
“When setting up a facebook ad, how do I make sure it does not show up in the stream of my competing realtors? I heard there is a way to do this by adding their phone numbers and emails somewhere in the system.” ~ Real Estate Agent Read More
Looking for sellers? You may want to create real estate seller leads with Facebook ads.

“Facebook has made it clear that to reach anyone who has “liked” you on its platform, you’ll have to pay for Facebook ads.” Read More
90% of Consumers Say Online Reviews Impact Buying Decisions.

Whitespark has created a simple and free tool to get Google Reviews for your business. Read More
If you have blogged for the last year or more you probably have noticed that just creating content is not enough.

Creating Content and getting it shared, in order to drive traffic, requires a strategy that starts from the Title and goes all the way to monitoring the Results.

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How do you get people to engage with you on your Facebook Page? You might just need to pay for it… but that is a post for another day. And even if you decide to pay for a Facebook ad, or a promoted post, you will need something to promote. Read More

10 Steps to Building Your Google Author Rank #Infographic

Avatar Posted by jasonfox under Online Marketing
From http://www.jasonfox.me 3766 days ago
Made Hot by: tcamba on April 8, 2014 12:51 am
What is Google Author Rank? Officially it does not yet exist, but most of the top Search Engine Pros agree that it will and maybe does.

Put simply: The stronger your online profile the higher the content you author will rank.

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Getty Images Makes Millions Of Images Free For Content Publishing

This is big news. There are many good sources for Royalty Free Images that we can use for blogging or content marketing, but none are the quality of Getty Images.

Getty Images are the Best Images on the Internet! Read More
“On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.” ~ David Ogilvy

Can you write Attention Grabbing Headlines? Me neither. That is why I need as much help as possible in learni Read More

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