Johnwho submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Learn the top 4 best time-saving content strategies that you can use to renew, refresh, and recycle your content for a bigger reach. Read More
A study conducted by Moz and Buzzsumo revealed that up to 75% of a million online articles they analyzed were not engaging content. This is alarming because content that failed to engage with your readers means no transformation ever took place – transformation that will convert your readers into e Read More
Join us as we look into the Why, the What and the How of UX Marketing and how delivering an optimum user experience can improve audience engagement, increase customer loyalty and ultimately boost revenue and profits. Read More

8 Steps to Spice Up Your Brand Voice (Infographic)

Avatar Posted by johnwho under Online Marketing
From 2549 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on August 7, 2017 6:29 am
Every brand, like humans, has their own distinct voice that conveys their messages to others and sets them as a unique entity. Finding your brand’s voice should be one of the first things that you’ve settled when developing your marketing strategy and plan – and that’s how important it is. It’s an Read More
Facebook has evolved from being a mere platform for connecting people to a powerful and effective marketing platform that has proven profitable for various brands and businesses. Let’s look at some of these new innovations and features that digital marketers can harness for their tremendous marketi Read More
Discover the top 8 content marketing ideas to attract more readers and gain better mileage for your content marketing campaign. Read More
Data gathering solutions are now becoming more cost-effective and available even to small and medium businesses with limited budgets. With this, Digital Marketers are moving towards generating meaningful intelligence from all these data – and use them to improve customer engagement and boost their Read More
If you are planning to jumpstart your own inbound lead generation campaign this year, then it is high time to familiarize yourself with these factors. In this infographic, we will discuss the things that you should consider – or better yet, start utilizing in order to bring your inbound lead genera Read More
Undoubtly, social media has become a premier platform for businesses and marketers alike. With over 2.8 billion active social media users worldwide as of January 2017, it has become the largest congregation of the world’s population that it’s a huge loss to any business that has not yet placed itse Read More
Depending on how you use it, the digital realm can bring your business to both success and failure. But one thing for sure: your business will slowly be buried in the competition if you fail to take advantage of it to establish a stronger brand presence today. To help you out, we will discuss in th Read More

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