Lyceum submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Inventory tracking isn’t a “sexy” industry, but it’s a necessary one for almost any business involved in manufacturing or shipping tangible goods. You need some way to track how much you’re producing, how many raw materials you’re consuming, where those products are going, and how much money you’re Read More
More and more terms like customer engagement and customer experience are being used in today’s business lexicon. And more and more you see them being used interchangeably. On top of that customer service and customer experience are used the same way. And if that weren’t confusing enough, in many Read More

Followup Conversation with Gary Shouldis [podcast]

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Social Media
From 2938 days ago
Made Hot by: LoopLooper on September 16, 2016 10:50 am
This episode is a followup conversation with Gary Shouldis. I interviewed Gary the first time on August 14, 2014. I will update this blog post with show notes in the near future. Read More
With relative frequency, our recruiters come across organizations that believe it to be an advantageous strategy to recruit from their competition. This is understandable. On the surface, the strategy appears to carry merit. Employers assume that those who have experience in a field will need less Read More
These days, if you run a coffee shop or restaurant, you have to offer free WiFi service to your customers or you will lose them to competitors. For most food establishments that means that WiFi is just another cost of doing business.
But it doesn’t have to be. Read More
When it comes to digital marketing, video is the undisputed king. And although engaging videos are generally more difficult for companies to produce and distribute, social media has totally streamlined the process.
YouTube has opened up the floodgates in terms of accessibility, while competitors l Read More
Businesses all over America are undergoing a sea change. The oldest members of Generation Z (the generation defined in a recent study as born between 1994 and 2010) are starting to enter the workforce. Meanwhile, Millennials are taking on management positions, and will play increasingly important Read More
Frederick is a San Francisco-based marketing automation platform for local services. The platform helps class and appointment-based businesses to increase revenue using fully automated, data-driven marketing.
The platform analyzes small business management systems, intelligently combining historic Read More
If you had your heart set on owning an Apple Car in the future, you may be disappointed. The company is reportedly shutting down “Project Titan,” its initiative to put together self-driving vehicles.
Instead, it seems the company might focus its efforts on creating backend software for self drivin Read More
Aren’t you sick and tired of trying to figure out this social media stuff? I can’t say I blame you. Social media for solopreneurs can be quite a challenge.
If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably tried tons of different advice. You might have even had some success.
But then you hit a wall.
I Read More

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