Lyceum submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Over the past couple of years, scores of maverick entrepreneurs have been working tirelessly to take the low-cost efficiency demonstrated by taxi service-disrupting upstart Uber and reapply it to a whole host of starkly contrasting industries.
This so-called ‘Uberization’ of the global economy has Read More
Small business owners are often told they need a mobile app to drive sales, boost brand visibility or just bring potential customers into the door of a brick and mortar store. But do apps really serve their purpose for the majority of businesses? It’s a question that should be on every business own Read More
I love running my own business because we have the freedom to move fast. When we spot opportunities we don’t hesitate — we jump on them.
Not long ago, late on a Friday afternoon before a big holiday, we got a sales call here at Small Business Trends. I received a text alert about the call. Only Read More
When you think of dating services, you probably think of platforms that help match people with potential partners based on their common interests. But what happens after that initial connection?
For plenty of couples, coming up with date ideas can be even more difficult than finding potential matc Read More
Most entrepreneurs have said to themselves at some point, “I had no idea starting my own business was so complex!” But great adventures lead us down paths we would never tread otherwise. It’s not easy to choose the path of the unknown in a world that seems to crave what’s secure and predictable. If Read More

Office Hours

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Self-Development
From 3033 days ago
Made Hot by: profmarketing on June 13, 2016 8:02 am
What kind of office hours do you have, as small business owner?

For the record: In order to prevent the "case of the Mondays" occurring, I have new "office hours" (9 AM - 9 PM CET) for phone calls and other ways of communication (email, FaceTime, Skype, SMS, Whatsapp, etc.). I decided to change Read More
Your company doesn’t have to specialize in a seasonal product or service for you to take advantage of holiday promotions, or certain trends that only come around once a year. In order to bring you seasonal marketing tips for small business, we asked 12 entrepreneurs from Young Entrepreneur Council Read More
If you, like me, are an SEO salesperson, or if you are in account management, you have definitely heard it. Likely even the other members of your agency have heard it as well. To what am I referring? To the SEO Rip Off/Blackhat Story, of course. Though the details of the story may change prospect Read More
Struggling to rank highly in local SEO results? The problem may be your content. It’s just about impossible to rank highly in organic search without killer content– and that goes for local search, too. But creating killer local content is about a lot more than just stuffing a page with geo-targeted Read More
Transitioning to a management position for the first time is incredibly exciting, but it can also be scary and nerve-wracking from the outset. Those who become managers for the first time encounter a myriad of myths and misperceptions that can lead to mistakes in the early days. But it doesn’t have Read More

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