Martinzwilling submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Most aspiring entrepreneurs understand that you can’t build a business if you won’t commit to delivering a product or service, but many are hesitant or refuse to commit to any financial forecasts. Yet every business requires revenue and volumes, as certainly as it requires a product to sell. Thus, Read More
Most entrepreneurs I meet are reluctant to disclose anything about their idea to investors before getting a signed confidential disclosure agreement (CDA). Professional investors and advisors, on the other hand, usually refuse to sign these agreements today due to the risk of litigation and adminis Read More
If you sold your last startup for $800 million, you probably already know how to build a business, and even conservative investors won’t worry about the quality of your next business plan. But, for the rest of us, don’t believe the Silicon Valley myth that all you have to do is sketch your million- Read More
With today’s rapidly changing environment, I see many business leaders reverting to the “command and control” leadership model, in an effort to be more responsive, rather than leading with their heads and heart. Yet I find in my mentoring practice that more and more team members prefer the human-ce Read More
Based on many years of experience in business as an executive and consultant, I have long been convinced that emotional intelligence (EQ or EI) in leadership wins over logical intelligence (IQ) every time. The experts define emotional intelligence as a leader's ability to recognize individual and t Read More
Most new business owners I know feel the challenges of not enough time, money, and resources, and see these as problems rather than a competitive advantage. In reality, based on my experience as a startup advisor and investor, these constraints lead the best entrepreneurs to the most innovative sol Read More
As a mentor to business professionals, I find that many are frustrated that peers and managers don’t recognize the true value of their contributions. These people expect their results have self-evident value, without requiring any effort on their part. I have long believed that each of you is respo Read More
Most technical entrepreneurs focus hard on building an innovative product, but forget that an elegant solution doesn’t automatically translate into a successful business. Businesses require an equally elegant business model, with the right price, messaging and delivery channel to the right target c Read More
Most entrepreneurs have found by now one or more of the many popular crowdfunding sites, and have the name and contact information for at least one of the big venture capital firms. But many have no insight or connections to the ethereal angel investment community, which In the U.S. contributes mor Read More
Every entrepreneur I know can’t find enough hours in a day to do the good things they want, and yet they often find themselves saying yes to new requests. Perhaps because they are optimists by nature, or they just hate to disappoint others, they end up hurting their health, credibility, and effecti Read More

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