Marz25 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

E-signature software is generating lots of buzz, as people turn to this technology as a way to obtain document signatures online make business run more efficiently. With the boom of e-signature services, it may be difficult to choose the right fit for your business. Read More
The “feel good” factor underlies every long lasting relationship that we have be it with our family, friends or colleagues. It’s the same with brands. As customers we love brands that make us feel good. Read More
It’s funny how whenever we set out to name anything a baby, a pet or a business we try to get a name that spells out good qualities, stands for something good or emanates the positive. We almost never think about getting a bad name or a negative one. I would say there are times when “bad is good” a Read More
Brand loyalty is dead or dying out!!! That’s why my last post listed 6 reasons why businesses should not expect brand loyalty. But in this post and the one I plan to write next I’ll talk about what you can do to create some sort of following for your product, service, venture or business. I won’t s Read More
Brand loyalty is something that has been much debated, discussed and hankered after by marketers and business owners across the globe. Every business big or small seeks to create, sustain and build brand loyalty but I’m going to take a slightly different stance today Read More
Are you a small business owner who is looking to make people sit up and take notice of your business? Are you just starting out and are cash strapped as far as an advertising and promotional budget goes? Here are 10 ways in which you won’t spend a penny (well almost) and make your presence felt in Read More

8 Compelling Reasons Why I Bizsugar My Blog Content

Avatar Posted by marz25 under SugarTone
From 4739 days ago
Made Hot by: Monsieur Eraser on August 8, 2011 10:24 pm
As a regular contributor to Bizsugar, I believe there are some compelling reasons why I submit my blog posts to this small business site. Despite the fact that I run a business blog, I’m certain Bizsugar has a lot to offer bloggers who don’t necessarily blog for business. This is why today I’ve cho Read More
The Entrepreneur Spotlight for August 2011 is on Yuti Shah Edward and Atul Edward of Udd Fabric Designs, Mumbai. The brainchild of Yuti Shah Edward and her husband, Udd Fabric Designs is the third stage of 'evolution' for Yuti’s skill that started out with doodles she would make in a notebook durin Read More
Most bloggers are in agreement on one thing…Guest blogging is good for you! It is a great way to gain leverage for yourself as a blogger and visibility for your blog. Read More
As a small business owner you could face a time crunch and end up feeling like you are losing a grip on things. All is not lost though. Some simple changes in the way you work and how you view time are all you need to master your time. Here are some tips to help you manage your time more effectivel Read More

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