Megantotka submitted the following stories to BizSugar

If you’re like me, gaining new clients is one of your biggest challenges. I don’t have a sales team to go out and find new business, so the burden falls to me. And I’m often mired in my own work and don’t have time to focus on getting new business.

So rather than taking more time to constantly l Read More
Worried about the future of your company? It might surprise you to realize you hold your business’ future in your hands. It’s what you do — or rather what you don’t do — that sets your course for success or failure.

If you’re guilty of any of the following, you might need to rethink your busines Read More
Social listening and social media monitoring are two things that you should be doing right now if you want to continue to build your business’s reputation online and see real success within the social media marketplace. Read More
Promoting your Facebook page starts with understanding your ideal audience and catering content to those people. The following 5 steps will help you identify that audience, develop content they'll crave, and reach more fans. Read More
To avoid the mistakes of, businesses should follow these three crucial steps in the software development process that, while difficult and time consuming, inevitably make the roll-out seamless and bug free. Read More
Although most small businesses don’t have the resources to launch a prankvertising campaign, that doesn’t mean you can’t take a tip or two from the pros and the big guys when it comes to successful advertising. Read More
Often overlooked by SMBs, Halloween serves as a great opportunity to prime your business for the upcoming holiday season. How will you treat your customers to something special this Halloween? Read More
In honor of National Women’s Small Business Month (October), we’re going to delve into some of the most unique facts about women in business and try to debunk the myths as we move along. Read More
You already have a website in place – why not make the most of it? Here are a few tips you can use to your advantage to earn revenue while providing the basics of customer information on your company domains. Read More

3 Myths About Realtime Marketing

Avatar Posted by megantotka under Marketing
From 3985 days ago
Made Hot by: Digitaladvert on October 10, 2013 2:43 pm
Realtime marketing isn’t just the latest buzzword—and it isn’t just for big brands. Let’s look at some myths about realtime marketing that might make you re-think how it applies to your business. Read More

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