Sannwood submitted the following stories to BizSugar

How To Close The Books on Your Startup

Avatar Posted by sannwood under Finance
From 4617 days ago
Made Hot by: Entrepreneurosaurus on January 11, 2012 7:57 am
The end of one venture often signals the start of something new and the beginning of the next exciting journey. Yet to embark on the next project, you’ll want to properly close the books on your previous company. Read More
Use these especial federal tax breaks to give your bottom line a last-minute boost before the year ends. Read More

How To Beat Amazon

Avatar Posted by sannwood under Finance
From 4643 days ago
Amazon's new Price Check app has small business retailers up in arms. Is it possible to compete with the online giant? Read More
Are you replaceable? As an entrepreneur, your first response to that question will likely be a resounding No. But if you're not, your business may be in trouble. Here's why. Read More
The flash sale website found wild success after starting from scratch six months ago with an innovative business plan. Read More
Businesses go under for one reason: they run out of capital. Make sure your cash flow projection is realistic. Read More
Do you hate negotiating? Is it the confrontational aspect that makes you uncomfortable? The good news is that it’s really not that hard to negotiate well, as long as you remember two words: walk away. Let me show you what I mean by that. Read More
“I do not think Silicon Valley is racist,” says entrepreneur Stephan Adams. This is a head-scratching statement for anyone who watched Sunday’s CNN program " Black in America," which broadcast that less than one percent of all technology startups are launched by African Americans. Read More
In CNN's "Black in America," Soledad O'Brien sheds light on the lack of African-American entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. Read More
The Marketplace Fairness Act would allow states to collect sales tax on e-commerce. What does it mean for your business? Read More

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