Sannwood submitted the following stories to BizSugar

According to an Intuit study, 41 percent of entrepreneurs feel a sense of loneliness during their pursuit of starting and building a small business. Albert Ko, VP of Product Management for Intuit, shares with us what the company is doing to help small businesses get past those feelings, bring more Read More
With the growth in content marketing comes a growth in the number of people stealing content to use online. Keep your business out of hot water with these 6 guidelines. Read More

How To Profit From Americans’ Big Spending Plans

Avatar Posted by sannwood under Marketing
From 3976 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on September 7, 2013 10:45 am
A recent Harris Interactive poll suggests that while they're still being frugal overall when it comes to the little things, they’re planning to make more big-ticket purchases in the coming months. Read More

Is BYOD Congestion Choking Your Mobile Experience?

Avatar Posted by sannwood under Technology
From 3979 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on September 4, 2013 4:14 pm
It used to be that businesses could plan for a one-device-per-user ratio in their networks. But that time is quickly passing us by. With the proliferation of mobile devices and the “bring your own device” to work trend (“BYOD”), today’s employees may be using multiple devices. That can put strain o Read More
Whether your business is hospitality-driven, office-related, or sports-minded, having a television can boost your sales and lead to happier customers. Let’s take a deeper look at key points you need to know about business TV and the role it can play in your business. Read More

Intuit Wants Your Biz to be Featured in the Small Business Big Game

Avatar Posted by sannwood under Marketing
From 4012 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on August 1, 2013 11:28 pm
Start putting on your game face. After supporting small businesses for more than 22 years, Intuit wants your small business to compete in the Small Business Big Game competition for a chance to win your very own 30-second television advertisement that will air during the Big Game on February 2. Read More

How the 'Great Drought' Will Hit Your Bottom Line

Avatar Posted by sannwood under Finance
From 4343 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on September 5, 2012 6:47 pm
You don't have to be a Midwestern farmer to be worried about how the lack of rainfall will impact your livelihood in the coming months. Read More

How to Survive Your Startup’s Near-Death Experience

Avatar Posted by sannwood under Startups
From 4355 days ago
Made Hot by: LadySophy on August 24, 2012 11:21 pm
Startup life can feel like one crisis after another, and unfortunately, too many ventures fall prey to a fatal early misstep. Here are a few thoughts on overcoming the near-death experiences all-too-common in the early stage. Read More

How to Increase Customer Engagement With QR Codes

Avatar Posted by sannwood under Marketing
From 4364 days ago
Made Hot by: ldfushan on August 17, 2012 5:24 pm
The two-dimensional bar code technology lets you to connect to customers via smartphones. But make a plan before you ask them to scan. Read More
Read all about why your disconnected vacation provides more of a productivity boost than any smartphone or laptop ever has. Read More

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