Sawarams submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Content marketing requires you to constantly produce content in order to be effective. Better yet, it requires quality content that is engaging and that serves a purpose of turning visitors into leads. This is a challenging process that sometimes even leaves adept experts baffled. Read More
Lead nurturing is a crucial ingredient of every agency or business’s marketing plan. According to Andre Pino’s, “A process by which leads are tracked and successfully converted into sales-qualified leads is known as Lead Nurturing.” Read More
Making your website user-friendly can have a significant impact on the profitability, but most of the company didn't understand and avoid them. So here are 8 tactics to improve your website's usability. Read More
As the company starts growing, they need proper processes, activities and business management systems to operate their business smoothly and rightly. But most of these processes, activities or systems, A well-defined ERP could be the better solution. Read More

Reclaiming Your Time is the Best Productivity Hack

Reclaiming Your Time is the Best Productivity Hack  - Avatar Posted by sawarams under Self-Development
From 2979 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on May 2, 2016 10:16 am
While balancing home and the workplace is always tedious, finding enough time at the office to meet targets and deadlines can prove to be more challenging than ever. Any working professional, regardless of the industry, needs to find ways to save more time at work and still enhance productivity. W Read More
As any content marketer knows, the blogging world is no longer run by teenagers writing about their high school dramas. Today, it’s become a lucrative industry that has turned brands into storytellers, storytellers into thought leaders, and writers Read More
Social media platforms have been one of the strongest megaphones for branding messages for several years now, but many companies still have not embraced them fully. Admittedly, it can be daunting to try to enter the world of social media, especially without a basic knowledge of the options and a st Read More
While most business setup processes are performed online these days, businesses still cling to the traditional on-premise software solutions for the more significant processes. For some businesses, the convenience of resorting to tried-and-true, tested solutions seems more prudent than embracing em Read More
It's not a secret that video is becoming a bigger and bigger part of a company’s inbound marketing strategy. Many big brands are getting benefits from using live video chat. Read More

Social Media Is Too Important to Be Left to the Marketing Department

Social Media Is Too Important to Be Left to the Marketing Department - Avatar Posted by sawarams under Social Media
From 2984 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on April 28, 2016 9:48 am
Why companies need a cross-functional social media team. When customers need help, they expect companies to offer it quickly and through multiple social media channels — but most companies aren’t set up to do that. Some companies increase their social media staff to offer live responses during big Read More

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