Sawarams submitted the following stories to BizSugar

In current 24/7 digital epoch, emerging and fostering long-term associations with consumers is becoming more and tougher. With free and easy access to data on the web, and influential social and quest networks powering consumer demands, corporations worldwide need to generate new ways of seizing a Read More
What is Facebook all about? Not likes, posts, or shares, but video. As Facebook’s presence in the video space has increased over the past few years, one of the most heated debates has been “Facebook vs. YouTube.” Compared to YouTube, Facebook’s growth has been phenomenal: it only took the company a Read More
In order to be competitive in the marketplace these days, most business owners understand the importance of having a website. However for those not technologically capable of undertaking the task themselves, the prospect of engaging a designer can be challenging. For one thing there are the associa Read More
The world’s most successful businesses have at least one thing in common: they are always evolving.

Small businesses can take a cue from these success stories, especially when it comes to developing new, innovative ideas. Read More
Ecommerce is the new buzzword and startups are the latest fad. However, the exponential success of many new ecommerce sites are just the tip if the ice. There are many more that fail even to repay the capital, talk less of being beneficial. So what are the reasons that some ecommerce sites make it Read More
We all have the same 24 hours in a day, but the way we spend these 24 hours is completely different. Some people juggle hard to finish their work while some are able to finish up their tasks and also spare some time for their leisure activities. Read More
There’s a lot of misinformation online when it comes to SEO. It seems that over the past few years, everyone has become an ‘SEO expert’.

One of the most common problems that I hear from people looking to learn more about SEO is that they don’t know what information to trust. Read More
Branding is all about owning a little space in the customer’s mind. But, it takes the hard work of employees, top management, distributors, and sometimes even the industry opinion, to make a brand. With such noisy media out there, filled with brands, and with such low attention spans, the time you Read More
Mobile marketing has proven itself in recent years. Industries are booming, and they’re relying on smartphone access to get a leg ahead. To win clicks, views, repeat customers and sales, your brand needs to stay up to date with modern strategy. Read More
It’s old news that more than 60% of all CRM implementations fail. This figure ought to keep sales managers up at night, because it means that every day, thousands of sales teams are expected to perform with their technological house out of order. Read More

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