Sawarams submitted the following stories to BizSugar

90% of consumers now expect a brand or organization to offer a self-service customer support portal, as per 2015 Global State of Multichannel Customer Service Report.So simply stating, if you don’t have an Online Customer Servicing portal, best of luck with that agitated customer who can bring down Read More
Live chat can be a boom to your online business. Customers that are shopping online can feel disconnected from customer service, and unsure of how to reach the help they need. Shopping in a brick and mortar shop, there are employees available to speak with. Live chat can replicate that experience Read More
About a year ago, I saw a Facebook ad with a video of a man talking at USC. After reading its compelling value proposition and seeing its engaging image, I decided to click on it. In that video I discovered Gary Vaynerchuk for the first time, the man who would eventually become my professional idol Read More
One of the topmost priorities of content marketers is to ensure that their content is portable, which means content should be able to go where the audience is going. Most of the audience is busy dwindling their time and energy on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and so f Read More
A successful ecommerce website can bring a major windfall to the entrepreneurs. However, the most common scenario is the fall back of such online stores due to the lack of understanding, and not-well approached research beforehand. The eminent mistake is the consideration of the known internet chal Read More
Do you think software can give you a million dollars? Yes, a million dollars. Read to find out how. Business Management is all about getting things done effectively and efficiently. Effectiveness refers to the kind of impact your results generate, whereas efficiency refers to completing tasks with Read More
Every business wants to get succeed in the market place, whether it is a big or small one. But small businesses need more attention and time then the big ones as small haves to establish themselves in the marketplace to become a big one. Read More
For tech enthusiasts and pundits, the Internet of Things, or IoT as it is referred to, will change the future of businesses. IoT stands for technology using which data is collected from the user, through tools or techniques and the data is further analyzed to predict user behavior and offer better Read More
Starting an e-commerce business is never an easy job. Running a lucrative one is even tougher. Though there’s no scarcity of tips and tricks on strengthening e-commerce sales, most of them will turn out to be completely pointless if you’re not following the right strategies. Read More
Most CRM companies market that a CRM software may increase your sales rapidly, but that may not hold true. It all depends on you and the nature of your business. Startups use cutting edge technology and innovation remains at their core. While larger organizations have dedicated teams working on C Read More

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