Stillwagon428 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Dollars only produce more dollars when they’re appropriately put to work. So, what are businesses investing in with these funds? Here are five ways small businesses use the extra capital accessed by online lending to generate revenue. Read More
If you’re thinking about starting an IT business, one of the essential steps is specifying your services. No two IT companies are the same because there are tons of different opportunities out there for delivering value to clients. Read More

The Ups and Downs of Using Chatbots at Your Small Business

The Ups and Downs of Using Chatbots at Your Small Business - Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Technology
From 2139 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on August 22, 2018 9:45 am
Although they’ve been around for a while, the last few years has seen an increase in chatbot use. But are chatbots all they are cracked up to be? Let’s look at some of the pros and cons of using chatbots to help you decide. Read More

Best 10 Digital Marketing Tools for Small Business Owners

Best 10 Digital Marketing Tools for Small Business Owners - Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Marketing
From 2140 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on August 20, 2018 6:14 am
If you’re determined to get the most of your digital marketing efforts, check out the following best ten digital marketing tools for small business owners. Read More
IT consulting can be a lucrative field. In fact, revenues in this industry in the U.S. are projected to reach $471 billion by 2022. It’s also a career field that is open to customization and flexibility. So if starting a business in this field is something that appeals to you, here are some of the Read More
Facebook wants some U.S. banks to hand over customer financial information. They’ve asked big banks to supply balances from checking accounts and credit card transaction details when they join Messenger. Read More
The days of every business needing a full office phone system are over. Many of today’s entrepreneurs prefer to run things right from their mobile device. But sometimes, it still helps to have a dedicated phone line for communicating with customers. So OpenPhone hopes to bridge the gap between thos Read More
Social media marketing is hard. It takes a ton of time and effort! Each day, marketers try to stay on top of their marketing game while majorly multitasking. So how can you regain control of your schedule? I asked 9 social media unicorn superstars to share their #1 social media productivity tip and Read More
In its bid to ensure the people on Facebook are who they say they are, the social media giant has added yet another verification tool. From now on, people who manage a Page with a large US audience will have to complete an authorization process if they want to continue posting in their account. Read More
Facebook has announced a series of updates designed to make it much easier for users to connect with local small businesses. Read More

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