Stillwagon428 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

No matter how successful you become as a business professional, some things don’t change. Nothing beats getting personal advice from those that have insights into their profession that you may lack. Here are tips shared by 10 successful entrepreneurs that will help you grow and keep your business a Read More
“The customer is always right” is a popular edict among business owners. But how many entrepreneurs actually live by that rule 100 percent of the time? Justin Finkelman, founder of customizable clothing company Fitness Wear understands the importance of this saying more than most. And living by it Read More
Businesses that have intellectual property need to prioritize protecting those items. Having an attorney that specializes in trademark and copyright issues can be a major benefit. Kimra Major-Morris, Esq. is the lawyer behind Major-Morris Law, LLC, a law firm that works with businesses on those iss Read More

The Importance of Selling to Your Existing Customers

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Management
From 2481 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on December 16, 2017 1:26 am
Jamie Domenici of Salesforce details why you need to keep selling to existing customers after they make their first purchase. Read More
To help keep your small business protected against the likes of fraudulent business filings, customer and employee identity theft and compromised banking details, companies would be wise to utilize any of the following 10 identity theft protection services. Read More
Voice assistants are becoming increasingly popular tools in helping small businesses streamline operations. By changing the way we control our smartphones and how we interact with our devices, these versatile digital assistants can save small businesses precious time and generate greater efficiency Read More
If you are still mourning the demise of Vine, the recent tweets from co-founder Dom Hofmann might put a smile on your face. His tweets are indicating he may be in the process of resurrecting the six second video platform — or a version of it. Read More
If you’re ready to start dabbling in the business practices of the future, here’s a list of big data books to get you started. Read More
With office parties to organize and gifts to send out to employees, clients and customers, things can get hectic for businesses during the holidays, as well as expensive. With a little bit of effort and know-how, one expense businesses can cut down and make savings on is electricity. Read More
Rod Drury of Xero shares why cloud-based accounting provides a great platform for AI, why he wants to help turn account advisors into growth consultants for small businesses, and why it’s important for small businesses to become global exporters in order to grow. Read More

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