Stillwagon428 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

For small business owners, having a second dedicated line just for business can have multiple benefits. The new GoDaddy SmartLine service makes this possible on your device, giving you and your company a more professional appearance. Read More

5 Company Culture 'Slip Ups' That Will Cost You Dearly

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Management
From 2599 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on August 21, 2017 9:34 am
Corporate culture is something business leaders around the country feel is vitally important to how successful the business runs. It’s also something that’s easy to lose track of when phones are ringing all day and deals are getting signed by the hour. However, let it slide and pretty soon you’ll b Read More
Over the 14 years we’ve been in business, I’ve learned to spot areas with some kind of drag on our productivity. I’ve learned that this productivity drag often can be solved cost effectively by technology. Here are four productivity drags you can overcome to be more productive in your business, by Read More
Coding is a valuable skill. So those who learn young can find themselves with lots of opportunities throughout life. That’s exactly what The Coder School hopes to accomplish. Read more about the business and the story behind it. Read More

Small Businesses Using iCloud Should Watch Out for New Scam

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Technology
From 2600 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on August 20, 2017 3:22 pm
If you are a small business person using iCloud or any Apple device like an iPhone or Macbook for business purposes, beware an aggressive new scam is out to get you. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is warning of a new scam targeting iCloud users across the United States and Canada. Read More
Energy bills are increasingly taking a bigger chunk out of small business budgets. You can lower how much you pay by being proactive, using energy-efficient devices and monitoring your energy usage. The following 20 energy apps, tools, platforms and websites will help you monitor how your small bus Read More
With all the buzz around blockchain tech and cryptocurrencies, small businesses might feel left out. Even for those who are not necessarily cutting-edge in terms of tech, these five tips can empower entrepreneurs and small businesses in leveraging bitcoin and blockchain as cryptocurrencies for thei Read More
If you’re a small business owner, one method of driving traffic you may not have considered is Amazon advertising. Creating a brand experience on Amazon can be an important route to success. Here are 10 tips for developing a great Amazon advertising strategy. Read More
Uber has “turbocharged” its business travel platform with the latest release of Uber for Business. The ride share company has expanded on its core services to allow small businesses the ability to have more control over cost and access to features clearly defining how their employees can use the se Read More
Farmers markets offer great opportunities for farmers and other small businesses to connect with customers and make sales. But it’s not as easy as just reserving a booth and setting some products out on a table. Here are 25 tips to help you succeed when selling at farmers markets. Read More

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