Stillwagon428 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

For teachers, summer is often full of free time. And that means there’s an opportunity to make some extra money. But you don’t have to resort to getting a seasonal job. You can instead start a business that makes great use of your talents during the summer months. Here are 50 business ideas for tea Read More
Tee Rowe, CEO of America’s SBDC discusses how millennial entrepreneurs are different than their predecessors, and how those differences drive changes in the way organizations like America’s SBDC assist in helping them succeed. Read More
Energy audits don’t have to be complex, expensive or time-consuming. On the contrary, business owners can conduct an effective, free energy audit of their business’s energy usage by simply walking around the building. Read More
Microsoft Corp. is investing roughly $10 billion in a new Rural Airband Initiative aiming to connect an estimated 23.4 million Americans in rural areas who still lack broadband internet access. Read More
69 percent of U.S. entrepreneurs start their businesses at home, and cash flow trouble is the reason for 82 percent of failed businesses. One company is trying to addressed both of these realities faced by small startups. 2UP Technologies wants to bring entrepreneurs and investors together with liv Read More
Snapchat Paperclip allows users to attach websites to snaps by simply tapping the Paperclip button located in the Vertical Toolkit. Anyone viewing the Snap can then swipe up to open the website in Snapchat’s built-in browser. Read More
Not all businesses require a ton of capital to get started. In fact, some can be started for an investment of $1,000 or less. If you have between $100 and $1,000 to start a business, here are some $1,000 dollar business ideas you can use to get started. Read More
One of the biggest players in the IT world is refashioning a product specifically to suit small business. Microsoft 365 Business was described as a “fundamental departure in how we think about product creation” by Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella, at the company’s Inspire event in Washington this week. Read More

6 Cold Email Secrets Revealed

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Marketing
From 2635 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on July 17, 2017 8:59 am
Making your emails stand out requires some subtle changes rather than a single “silver bullet” approach. Regardless of what your marketing or sales message might be, the following six strategies to sprucing up your emails are fair game if you want to see more inbox engagement. Read More
When it comes to user experience, it’s important to consider both strategy and design. And niche firm Fuzzy Math does just that for its clients. The company started in the design industry, but soon found an opportunity to fill a need within the UX niche. Read More

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