Stillwagon428 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Becky Nichols didn’t set out to start a successful business. She just wanted to give sick kids something to eat, filling a need she understands the importance of on a very personal level. Read More

50 Subscription Box Ideas

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Startups
From 2649 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on July 4, 2017 12:55 pm
If you’re looking for a new venture or a new way to add some extra income to your ecommerce business, subscription boxes could be something to consider. Here are 50 subscription box ideas to think about. Read More
You’re a small business. You need to market your products and services to establish yourself on the market and edge ahead of competitors. Though your marketing budget doesn’t stretch too far. Fortunately, there is a whole host of free marketing tools that small businesses can benefit from. Here’s 5 Read More
Answering services get dismissed by business owners due to the initial cost. Yet, partnering with one is an investment that will pay for itself repeatedly. Here are seven ways an answering service will put more money back into your pocket. Read More
Clean eating isn’t just about improving health. It can be an entire lifestyle shift. And for one couple, it even led to a great business opportunity. The founders of Clean Juice decided to start their business after seeing just how much of an impact clean eating made for them personally. Read More
Sooner or later as a business owner, you are going to want to change something in your company. You’ll get excited by the potential, only problem is, the rest of your team may not be on board. Whatever form of change is occurring, I’ve learned a few techniques to help the transition and encourage t Read More
Are you looking for an easy way to make your employees happy? Consider starting a “summer Friday” policy. More than four in 10 companies are doing so this summer, according to a survey by CEB — a 20 percent increase from 2015. Read More
With summer upon us, now is the time to ramp up marketing campaigns and get in front of the flurry of potential customers out and about for the season. This free eBook is available to help businesses enhance their digital presence based on seasonal trends. Read More
When working on a tight financial leash, for many businesses, creating an emergency fund can be easier said than done. The good news is, with a little astuteness and know-how, businesses can save for an emergency fund without really noticing. Read More
Getting more out of your battery life translates into more efficiency for your business. Whether you use Mac products, Android phones or a laptop, these tips will help you do so. And they will hopefully save you from the important missed call or downtime when you couldn’t find a place to plug in a Read More

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