Stillwagon428 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

If you want to connect with customers online, then you could almost certainly benefit from having a Facebook page for your business. But what should you post on that page to really appeal to your audience? Here are 20 types of Facebook posts that your customers are sure to “like.” Read More
If you think your business needs a fixed location in order to be successful, think again. There are actually tons of different mobile businesses that are becoming more viable in today’s market. Here are 50 different mobile small business ideas you can start right away. Read More
Whether you’re already a Windows 10 customer or looking for a new Windows 10 device from Surface or our partners, here are just a few of the new features coming in the Windows 10 Creators Update. Read More
If you’re an entrepreneur with a passion for education, you’re in luck. There are numerous franchise opportunities that you can use to help educate people of all ages and in a variety of different subjects. Here are 20 franchise opportunities within the education sector. Read More
Starbucks is finding new ways to integrate mobile technology and artificial intelligence into its stores. The coffee giant recently announced that it will test a new store model at its headquarters where all customers place their orders and pay via mobile, instead of waiting in line to deal with ca Read More
President Trump's January 27 executive order placing a 90-day ban on travel from seven countries caused ripples throughout the business community. Although the original executive order was halted by court action and replaced with a new, narrower order on March 6, which was blocked by two federal ju Read More
The best financial advice tends to apply to pretty much everyone. You don’t need a spreadsheet of pros and cons and complex scenarios. What you need is a rule of thumb. There’s no shame in using one-size-fits-all advice. Here are a dozen shamelessly simple money rules of thumb. Read More

PPC Pitfalls to Avoid as a Small Business Owner

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Marketing
From 2739 days ago
Made Hot by: leonesimmy on April 5, 2017 3:47 am
Frustrated business owners may think PPC is not ideal for their business because they tried a couple of techniques and failed. If you identify with this frustration and don’t know where to start, you’re in luck, today! Learn from these mistakes to improve your PPC campaigns. Read More
Managing inventory is one of the most important aspects of retail. Automation is easing up the retail sector – both online and offline. Alongside automation, some crafty techniques can help retailers manage their inventories better. Read More
America’s small business community has long lamented the heavy burden of government regulations on their operations. One specific area government regulations come down hard on small businesses is in the hiring of new employees. Read More

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