Tabithajeannaylor submitted the following stories to BizSugar

As a general rule, angel investors are pretty low key as far as maintenance. Most startups using angel investors to get off the ground usually plan an aggressive reporting plan for investors. It’s exciting to give updates on what is happening in the business and because so much happens so quickly i Read More
Most start-up business owners begin with such gusto they fail to realize the truth of the situation. The fact is, being new to the realm of business means you are in store for quite a few failures and miscalculations. One area where many business owners are simply not realistic is in terms of emplo Read More
Recommended Read #1

Every entrepreneur knows how difficult it is to obtain funding for an idea. When it comes to launching a startup, one of the biggest problems many people are concerned with is the financial situation, including banks and credit cards. Thanks to crowdfunding, these problems ar Read More
Data was finally released from a 2012 Survey of Business Owners, which for women everywhere, the numbers are astonishing.

In 2012, the numbers increased by over 27% to 9.9 million businesses that were owned by women, but they’re also bringing in approximately $1.6 trillion in revenue. These numb Read More

3 Mistakes All Startup Founders Need to Make

Avatar Posted by tabithajeannaylor under Marketing
From 3226 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on September 28, 2015 8:05 am
Bill Gates – a name known around the world for innovation and products that have changed the world, once said, “It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.” In the small business realm, this is a concept that needs to be embraced fully understood and used Read More
Making the decision to pursue your dream can be quite challenging. This is especially true if you have more than one passion or dream to consider. Choosing between the two can be gut-wrenching. Gary Vee decided to touch on this topic in his article “Deciding How to Pick Between Your Two Passions,” Read More
crowdfunding is making an impact all over the world. From country to country, entrepreneurs everywhere are finding their own way to use crowdfunding for their own businesses. But the crowdfunding world is continuing to grow with its next stop: television. Read More
As a business owner, having to constantly put your best foot forward can be challenging – but completely essential. One wrong move, wrong decision or ineffective CTA can lead to lost customers, lost funding and a number of other consequences. This week Gary Vee discusses several topics surrounding Read More
Entrepreneurs never stop working to reach their ultimate goal of success, but at what cost?

It’s true there is no certainty when it comes to entering the business world. The market is constantly changing; there is no way to predict the mindset of the consumer; and everyday, something new can hav Read More
To become an entrepreneurial success you need to have a winning strategy and a lasting presence. Many of those launching a start-up don’t realise that the average company only survives for approximately 40-50 years, but there are some who have broken the mould. This interactive storymap from the Br Read More

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