Timrohrer submitted the following stories to BizSugar

The author warns about the pitfalls of panel presentations and how to avoid them. Read More
The author tells the story of a seller who wasn't bought by his best friend - the media buyer. Read More
The author insists that new business sellers should use credibility statements instead of trust statements during the initial contact. Read More
The author writes an open letter to one of his media sellers after a loss. Read More
The author describes the one and only time that he has ever been fired and the lessons learned from it. Read More
The author breaks down the elements that help sellers develop trust and credibility with prospects. The point is made that in the absence of those, sellers can not engage in meaningful conversations and a sale will never happen. Read More
The author describes the necessary ingredients when seeking to engage sales prospects. Read More

Sales Loudmouth: The Oatmeal Queens and other Dramas

Avatar Posted by timrohrer under Sales
From http://salesandmarketingloudmouth.com 5537 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 30, 2009 3:37 pm
The author tells four short stories with applications to sales and sales management. One is about ladies with the nickname The Oatmeal Queens. Read More
The author provides examples of four customer responses that require unique comebacks by sellers. Read More
A conversation with my 3-year old causes me to reflect on my ability to get people to listen to me. I've discovered the need to earn listenable status. Read More

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