Wdywft submitted the following stories to BizSugar

If you had to draw a picture of 'management', what would it look like? I asked myself the same question and this is what I came up with: Read More
Marshall Goldsmith: Managing today's highly skilled professionals takes special skills — and not the ones that you may think. Oftentimes, knowledge workers know more than you do about their jobs. So, how do you manage people who know more about what they do than you do? Read More
"The love of money is the root of all evil,” said Paul in a letter to Timothy.
Many people love business and many business people love money (though not necessarily in the biblical sense). Business is about money and gain. If you went into business for any other reason than making money, then you Read More
Wally Bock: It's a chaotic world out there in Managementland, but you'd never know it from reading most management books. It's been that way as long as I can remember. The books portray a world where management is a cerebral process. It's supposed to be dispassionate. Read More
Leadership is a balancing act. Imagine the tightrope walker at the circus, precariously navigating from one side of the big top to the other.
If the walker puts too much weight on one side or the other, they’ll take a big fall.
And so it is for those who lead. Read More
We were ordering a feast at an eatery on Lesbos, a Greek island in the Aegean Sea. In broken English, the counter attendant asked if we wanted two of everything. When my dad figured out what the associate was asking, he energetically repeated in German, "Nee, nee” (as in ‘nope’). Read More
You can’t dump and run and call it delegation. The bottom line is that delegation involves more than just ridding oneself of responsibility. Here are five tips to make delegation effective, by pastor Ron Edmondson: Read More
Tom Peters argues that the reaction to the problem often becomes more of a problem than the foul up would have been if dealt with honestly. Learn more at www.tompeters.com. Read More
"Authenticity is knowing, and acting on, what is true and real inside yourself, your team and your organization AND knowing and acting on what is true and real in the world." - Bob Terry
If you don’t really mean something as a manager, the employees will pick up on that immediately. Read More
Geez, if I met someone at the grocery store and he or she told me, "I’m a management enthusiast”, I would give that person a very funny look. But what is it that makes management so fascinating to me? When I tell my husband that I read an amazing article about why annual performance reviews suck an Read More

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