Zolachupik submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Do you advertise with video?

Wondering whether YouTube ads are worth your time and money?

In this article, you’ll find new research that reveals how consumers respond to ads on YouTube and insights about how marketers plan to adjust their YouTube ad spend. Read More
A backlink audit is helpful in many ways. It’s usually the first step to take if you want to:

* Improve your link building strategy.
* Recover from a manual action (or algorithmic downgrade).
* Analyze your competition. Read More
See how you can hire an outstanding bookkeeper, CPA, controller and virtual CFO, including specific questions to ask candidates for each specific role.
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Websites are delicate, messy, and hard to manage effectively. Setup might be easy, but a beginner learning to maintain a website will hit a damaging snag sooner or later.
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Successful customer onboarding is your opportunity not only to draw users’ attention but also to make them stay, converting into long-term paying customers.
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Wouldn’t it be amazing to wake up tomorrow morning and find your site ranks #1 in Google?

What would that mean for your business? It could mean:

* Tons of free, targeted traffic
* An inbox FULL of leads
* Sale, after sale, after sale…

Sounds pretty fabulousish, right? Read More
Facebook rolled out Dynamic Creative, a new way for advertisers to automatically match what creative works best for a target audience or placements. This new system is “geared towards performance-driven marketers who use manual techniques to find the best performing ad creative to use for a target Read More
Let’s take a closer look at the various marketing channels that can (and should) be segmented for better results and why segmenting as a whole is so important. Read More
In this article, you’ll discover how Facebook group admin tools can help you create a stronger, more engaged Facebook community. Read More
Disavowing links is one of the most tedious yet essential tasks in an SEO professional’s to-do list. Read More

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