These stories submitted by AmyJordan became hot on BizSugar

How To Use Social Media

Avatar Posted by AmyJordan under Social Media
From 3485 days ago
Made Hot by: LoopLooper on January 14, 2015 10:49 am
Use social media for your business but worried it'll take over your life if you join every social network out there? In this video you'll learn 4 simple steps you can start using right away to make sure you use social media the right way to eliminate overwhelm. Read More

Should You Put Your "Real" Personality Into Your Brand?

Avatar Posted by AmyJordan under Marketing
From 3660 days ago
Made Hot by: businessgross on July 30, 2014 9:16 am
Ever wonder how "real" you should be in your business? If you're afraid that the authentic you would offend customers or make you appear unprofessional, watch this video and learn how to strike the right balance. Read More

Are You Alienating Potential Customers? - YouTube

Avatar Posted by AmyJordan under Sales
From 3660 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on July 24, 2014 5:30 pm
C'mon over to where the main discussion happens after the episode!

If you enjoyed this video, join more than 40,000 others and get weekly marketing advice + life advice hand delivered (It's Free!). Read More
Do you feel jealous of people doing better than you, or even at the same level? If you're tired of the irritation and cattiness that comes along with your jealousy, watch this video now. You'll learn why jealousy is a GOOD thing along with three practical steps to take to use it to your advantage. Read More

Small business SEO tips

Avatar Posted by AmyJordan under Marketing
From 3674 days ago
Made Hot by: MasterMinuteman on July 14, 2014 9:24 am
In today's small business seo tips segment I highlight the importance and effectiveness of video. Videos rank highly on Google because Youtube is the 2nd highest traffic search engine on the web behind Google, and Google owns Youtube. Add in the fact that many people are too lazy to read, and boom, Read More
Pinterest Tips for Pinterest Marketing - Irish Business. Are you aware that 21% of Pinterest Users have purchased from Pinterest it is a social shopping site . Share pretty and beautiful pictures people enjoy and repin beautiful pictures . Give Inspiration especially in these times people really wa Read More

3 Ways to Enjoy Your Work More

Avatar Posted by AmyJordan under Self-Development
From 3719 days ago
Made Hot by: tcamba on May 23, 2014 7:45 am
Do you remember why you became an entrepreneur?
Many of us start out with grand ideas of freedom, income and influence. But we get bogged down by the daily ins and outs of our businesses and we lose that spark that is ESSENTIAL to our success. Read More

How to Fail Like a Winner

Avatar Posted by AmyJordan under Self-Development
From 3719 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on May 23, 2014 7:37 am
Today we are talking about the F word.
No, not THAT word! I want to talk to you about failure.
I want to teach you to look at failing from an entirely new perspective. Every successful entrepreneur has failed. In fact, the greatest have experienced massive failures more times than anyone else! Read More

How to Succeed Doing What You Love

Avatar Posted by AmyJordan under Self-Development
From 3719 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on May 22, 2014 11:22 pm
Do you ever wonder what the secret is to becoming successful doing what you love?
Maybe you started your business to help others, or to fulfill a lifelong dream or passion.
Has it been a little bit more difficult than you imagined? Read More
Telecommuting saves time and money, but it’s a lot harder to have important interactions over an instant message. Luckily, there are a few simple solutions. Read More

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