These stories submitted by Alokraghuwanshi became hot on BizSugar

Marketers are increasingly relying on remarketing to convert what previously would have been abandon customers. Learn how you can use this new marketing channel effectively with this infographic. Read More
Excellent explanation by Google’s head of search spam Matt Cutts on the question Should I focus on clarity or jargon when writing content? comes from Ben Holland, Phoenix, AZ, Feb 26, 2014. Read More

4 Reasons Why You Need a Responsive Website Design

Avatar Posted by alokraghuwanshi under Online Marketing
From 3847 days ago
Made Hot by: seobromino on January 17, 2014 3:45 pm
There are 4 main reasons why you need Responsive Web Design, Keep Your Layout Simple, Make Your Layout Flexible, A Meta Viewport, Better Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Read More
Google's head of search spam, Matt Cutts, posted a video today on the topic of “stitching content. In general he says it is a "high risk area" and encourages people to avoid this in general !!
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Understanding Google Hummingbird Algorithm Update

Avatar Posted by alokraghuwanshi under Online Marketing
From 3889 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on December 4, 2013 2:59 pm
Google’s Biggest Algorithm Update Since 2001 Google officially announced the hummingbird algorithm update that affected 90% of all search queries on September 26, 2013. Hummingbird aims to describe the “precision and speed” for which Google will now provide search result based around conversational Read More
Google’s head of search spam Matt Cutts Very Good Answer to Should webmasters use the disavow tool, even if it is believed that no penalty has been applied? For example, if we believe 'Negative SEO' has been attempted, or spammy sites we have contacted have not removed links. Read More
In this short article I am going to explain why every brand and business needs to have a proper twitter strategy. This is a conversation going on out there but is your business part of it. Twitter has more than 175 million users who generate more than 95 million tweets daily. Of course some of… Read More
On September 27th, 2013 Google has officially introduced new algorithm called Hummingbird. This release is actually a platform which allows Google to better deal with “conversational” search queries. Google thinks that online users are searching for answers, and they also have a tendency to key phr Read More - In Term of SEO, on page optimization is mainly the way how your write the code of your website ....How to use your html elements, How to write title tags, How to write anchor tag and alt tags Read More
Blogger generate URL for all the posts automatically. To make your post Search Engine Friendly, it is recommended to use the custom url for every post. Make this url informative and related to post topic. Read More

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