These stories submitted by Bizsum became hot on BizSugar

Reward Your People for a Job Well Done

Avatar Posted by bizsum under Human Resources
From 5623 days ago
Made Hot by: on March 7, 2009 10:59 pm
Recognize and reward a job well done and your company will ultimately reap the benefits. Read More

A Quiet Way to Increase Your Capacity to Influence

Avatar Posted by bizsum under Management
From 5643 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 16, 2009 10:53 pm
Al Betz, author of “Outfluence”, tells us that social influence can be utilized in order to bring about positive change - his method, Outfluence, after which his book is named, has to do with silent and nonverbal communication. Read More

Strategies to Help You Nail that Elusive YES!

Avatar Posted by bizsum under Sales
From 5779 days ago
Made Hot by: on October 2, 2008 1:13 pm
The strategies offered in “How to WOW”, the new book from Frances Cole Jones, come from a spectrum of modalities. Read More

How Leadership Training Develops Strong Leadership Skills

Avatar Posted by bizsum under Management
From 5831 days ago
Made Hot by: on August 12, 2008 5:22 pm
While discussing the fundamentals of delegation, running meetings, “motivating” employees and public speaking may be OK for newly minted supervisors, it's really inadequate for the majority of professionals who rely on executive management training to survive in their leadership positions. Read More

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