These stories submitted by Ducttape became hot on BizSugar

I have produced a weekly podcast for about five years now. It started out as one of my content creation tactics but quickly became an important way to gain access to leading authors and marketing professionals. In fact, I’ve often referred to it as my secret weapon. Read More
The Internet has certainly made expanding into all corners of the world an appealing reality. For very little extra expenditure businesses can set-up a virtual shop in any country within a matter of hours. Attracting and hiring the best talent available on the globe may only be an email away. Read More
Location based check-in type services are this year’s overhyped topic – with good reason. While you may not understand why someone wants to be the mayor of their barber shop, you do need to recognize the behavior that social location services such as Gowalla, Foursquare, Yelp! and Facebook Places r Read More
Marketing podcast with Rick Perreault and Oli Gardner of Unbounce (Click to play or right click and “Save As” to download – Subscribe now via iTunes

Landing pages, those web pages you create and use to entice visitors to take a single action, have come a long way in terms of functionality and use. Internet Marketers have used them for years and with the introduction of services and practices dedicated to the use of these tools every small business can benefit from using highly optimized landing pages. I’ve been on a bit of rant about this topic so see the related posts below for more Read More
Facebook announced what can clearly be called a “me too” location check in function yesterday, but hey, when you have half a billion people using something, even a copied innovation can have huge immediate impact. Facebook Places is a smart-phone location check-in feature that allows users to share their location, find the location of their friends, and discover new places based on other Facebook user recommendations – much like Loopt, Foursquare and Yelp! provide Read More

Why Is Simple So Hard :: Duct Tape Marketing

Avatar Posted by ducttape under Social Media
From 5107 days ago
Made Hot by: marciabiz on August 8, 2010 9:07 pm
The other I posed this somewhat trick laden question on Twitter – “Is making something easier to understand dumbing it down or smartening it up?” The answers I got were mixed. Some obviously saw that I was suggesting it’s actually harder to make some easy to understand. Others clearly felt that it somewhat of a disservice to try to make things that were complicated seem simple Read More

Changes Come to Yelp :: Duct Tape Marketing

Avatar Posted by ducttape under Online Marketing
From 5217 days ago
Made Hot by: Jed on April 16, 2010 2:40 pm
Marketing podcast with Luther Lowe (Click to play or right click and “Save As” to download – Subscribe now via iTunes

The online review site Yelp has come under fire of late for practices that have been described by some small business owners as heavy handed in an effort to use the ratings and reviews process as a tool to sell advertising. Yelp responded recently by formalizing a host of chang Read More
Woody Allen was attributed with the quote – “eighty percent of success is showing up” but I would add that in marketing it’s all about following up.

follow-upMost marketers get that at the most basic level – you send out a mailing, someone asks for more information, and you jump on the phone and try to sell them something. Read More
Want to help me celebrate my 50th birthday?

As you may know, I have a new book coming out in May. The title of my new book is The Referral Engine – Teaching Your Business To Market Itself and it’s officially on pre-sale today. Read More
Various forms of mobile marketing, text messaging, mobile ads, mobile apps, and location aware services, are getting lots of buzz currently.  Ma Read More

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