These stories submitted by Elainerogers became hot on BizSugar

Content Marketing Your Event in 5 Snackable Bites

Avatar Posted by elainerogers under Global
From 3412 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on March 26, 2015 1:30 pm
5 easy to follow top tips on Event Content Marketing. Event Content Marketing is about legacy and milking what you’ve done in the past to feed future marketing campaigns. Read More

Top 10 Tips To Working Remotely With Ease - Tweak Your Biz

Avatar Posted by elainerogers under Employee Benefits
From 3483 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on January 14, 2015 2:43 pm
Would you like to be more productive while working from home, or on the go? It can be as hard or as easy as you want it to be. This posts will help you be more productive, and manage your time better while on the move, or working remotely at home Read More
Should you replace email with social networking? Do you use social networking sites to communicate directly with your clients, peers or suppliers? In this post, we look at the pros and cons of utilising social networking over traditional email. Read More
TOP 10 tips why you should and how you can start creating video - TODAY! Read this post, follow the tips and you will have created your first video in no time! Read More
This post is a look at some smart business highs and lows of 2012, and more smart things to look forward to in your business for 2013. A nice mix of blogposts, videos, do's and don'ts, my favourite being the last one! Read More

New Years Resolutions - 5 Reasons Why They Fail

Avatar Posted by elainerogers under Self-Development
From 4216 days ago
Made Hot by: MindCircusMedia on January 12, 2013 12:53 am
New Years Resolutions are set apart from other resolutions in that they anticipate new beginnings. So what better time to make new plans, new to-do lists, and create a new vision? But why do they so often fail? This post explores why, and more importantly, how to avoid the pitfalls. Read More

5 Ways To Banish The Fear Of Public Speaking

Avatar Posted by elainerogers under Self-Development
From 4244 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on December 13, 2012 6:00 pm
Public Speaking is sure death! Is it really? Not when you follow these TOP 5 Tips to banish your fear of public speaking or presenting to a group of people. Read More

Personal Branding - 7 Mistakes That Hurt

Avatar Posted by elainerogers under Marketing
From 4258 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on December 1, 2012 2:36 am
Personal Branding is a HOT subject right now. We often have problems distinguishing between personal branding and company branding. This posts discusses how to avoid the top personal branding mistakes. Read More

TweakYourBiz TV talks with Entrepreneur Bill Liao

Avatar Posted by elainerogers under Technology
From 4412 days ago
Made Hot by: smallbizwoman on June 30, 2012 4:57 am
Elaine Rogers at Tweak Your Biz TV talks with Bill Liao, an Australian, a successful entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist based in Ireland. Bill is Co-founder of Coderdojo and venture partner with SOS Ventures. We discuss business, bikinis and code. Read More
Think about the last time you went shopping for clothes, electronics, shoes, or computers in your local town or shopping centre. Availing of proper services for your business is akin to a having a Personal Shopper. Read More

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