These stories submitted by Larryjam became hot on BizSugar

Local businesses have better opportunities today than they have ever had before to stand toe-to-toe with industry giants. Today, local SEO activities, allow smaller businesses to appear alongside some of the world’s biggest companies in the search engine results. However local seo does have it's ch Read More

10 Areas Where Small Businesses Lack an Online Competitive Edge

Avatar Posted by larryjam under Online Marketing
From 4169 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on March 1, 2013 12:02 pm
Often, small businesses are simply creating a website because they feel it’s the modern thing to do, and they just want to get it over with. But it’s important to understand the online marketplace before diving in. Read More

I Gave Up Blogging and Threw the Towel In

Avatar Posted by larryjam under Startups
From 4170 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on February 25, 2013 10:32 pm
I made the mistake of giving up blogging! To start a buisiness. This post explains my actions and hopes most aspiring bloggers don’t make the same mistake that I did! Read More

How You Can Get More Followers On Twitter Free

Avatar Posted by larryjam under Online Marketing
From 4178 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on February 18, 2013 1:26 am
How it works is that you retweet other bloggers content or follow other bloggers to earn credits. You can redeem those credits but submitting your own tweets for others to share on Twitter, Facebook or Google+! It’s that simple. So JustRetweet is not just about sharing on Twitter which is what make Read More

5 Common SEO Mistakes Made By Web Designers

Avatar Posted by larryjam under Online Marketing
From 4231 days ago
Made Hot by: tcamba on December 26, 2012 1:25 am
Does your web designer know about SEO? On site SEO is essential to your websites success. This is a list of common SEO mistakes made by web designers. Your web designer should be able to do more than build you a website. They should also be able to optimize your website for you. Read More
If your website has not been updated in a couple of years, it maybe time to think about a complete redesign of your website.

Not only will a new website design give a fresh look to your website, it will probably help it perform better too. Read More
A poorly thought out website design could be costing your sales.

Learn how the design and layout of your website can help influence shoppers and help them decide if they are going to purchase the products you are selling. Read More
This is a good list of mistakes web designers commit while making call to action pages. Learn how you can make simple changes to the design and layout of your website to correct the mistakes your web designer made, and increase the changes of converting your visitors into customers. Read More

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