These stories submitted by Megantotka became hot on BizSugar

When the spreadsheet was invented in the late 1970s, it was a miracle. Suddenly, time-consuming tasks previously done on paper could be completed on a computer. We relied on the spreadsheet for decades, using it to set up contact databases, do our finances, and create reports.

But we live in mod Read More
We live in a world where we expect almost instant gratification in most things.

Whether it’s social media feedback, sandwich delivery, or an Amazon Prime order, faster is better, and instant is best.8 Read More
You may have great buyer personas and a knockout marketing plan, but if you're not surveying effectively, you could be missing out on crucial data. Read More
Sometimes giving feedback to a large, popular company can feel like a waste of time. Just one voice in a sea of millions yelling their opinions can’t make much difference, right? But even the largest companies rely on customer feedback to grow and improve. Read More
It’s a fact: not all leads are created equal. You might be tracking them all in your customer relationship management (CRM) software, but you absolutely should be treating them differently. Read More
Is your sales process working effectively for you, or is it sending your customers straight to your competition? Learn how to refine it and what it should be doing for you. Read More
Video marketing was the big success story of 2016, and so far in 2017, there are no signs it’s losing its shine. Read More
With the average Internet user seeing more than 1,700 ads every month, but viewing only half of them, getting a user’s attention is difficult. Sure, you can tell your story – you can shout it from the rooftops, even, but if no one’s there to listen, or if it gets lost in the sea of all the other pe Read More

5 Frightening Social Media Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

Avatar Posted by megantotka under Social Media
From 2817 days ago
Made Hot by: businessgross on November 11, 2016 10:30 am
It’s definitely no treat, and probably not a trick either; when things go wrong with social media it’s often due to mismanagement, poor planning or a lack of foresight. Unfortunately, dealing with the fallout from these mistakes can be akin to Frankenstein’s monster—once it’s awakened there’s not m Read More
Don’t fear customer reviews! Instead, handle them in the right manner: with an open mind and an appreciative heart. Read More

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