These stories submitted by Megantotka became hot on BizSugar

Meeting The Special Challenges of a Service-Driven Business

Avatar Posted by megantotka under Management
From 4061 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on August 2, 2013 4:44 pm
In an era of service-driven business, you need an edge. With some key strategic thinking and an emphasis on effective and thorough relationship management using a CRM, small businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their target market, a more effective (and demonstrable) ROI, and a stronger bo Read More

Why Now is a Great Time to be a Female Entrepreneur

Avatar Posted by megantotka under Startups
From 4068 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on July 24, 2013 8:23 am
Over the years, the image of the average entrepreneur has transformed drastically. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor reported that the rate of female entrepreneurs starting new businesses has now surpassed that of men. Read More

What’s Trending in Marketing?

Avatar Posted by megantotka under Marketing
From 4076 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on July 18, 2013 5:38 pm
Can you believe we’re halfway through 2013? While it’s the middle of summer – and before the holiday season begins – it’s a great time to re-evaluate your marketing efforts and see what’s working for your business and what is not. There are several marketing trends that have made their way through Read More
It speaks to a company’s staying power when they can make a big splash, then follow through and keep the momentum going. Disruptive companies shake up their markets with innovation. Sometimes new products and ideas birth an entire batch of related breakthroughs. Other times, no one knows how to fit Read More

3 Underused Marketing Workhorses for Small Business Owners

Avatar Posted by megantotka under Marketing
From 4086 days ago
Made Hot by: Evan Collins on July 8, 2013 3:09 am
As a marketer, you’re a storyteller. The hero of your story isn’t you or your business. It isn’t your product, either. The hero is your target audience, your future customer. Your product (or your service) is the love interest. You’re going to tell the story of how they meet and live happily ever a Read More

4 Affordable Ways to Keep Your Marketing Materials Current

Avatar Posted by megantotka under Marketing
From 4090 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on July 4, 2013 10:10 am
If you hand out marketing materials at trade shows, networking events or conferences, you know what a pain it is when they’re outdated. And with technology changing at the speed of light, your product or service offerings may be changing pretty quickly too. How do you keep your marketing materials Read More
No matter whether you’re a plumber, the owner of a dress boutique, or the head of a manufacturing company, you need to have a visual brand. You want to draw people in with your website or brochure, and making smart use of photos and graphics is the first step to building a winning visual brand. Read More
With a bit of research, an understanding of what your customers want and your expertise on display, you can find a niche, position your brand as an expert and gain loyal customers over your big brand competitors. Read More
If reactions to your marketing materials have been lukewarm, take a hard look at your brochures, business cards, and fliers to see why they’re not enticing potential customers to buy from you. Chances are, with just a few tweaks, you can make your print material more appealing and effective. Read More

Happy Clients Are Repeat Clients

Avatar Posted by megantotka under Management
From 4097 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on June 28, 2013 11:04 am
A lot of effort is put into gaining clients and capturing market share. Companies spend millions of dollars on advertising and marketing campaigns annually to gain clients; once those clients come through the door, no one wants to lose them.

Focusing on customer satisfaction is critical, because Read More

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