These stories submitted by Q4sales became hot on BizSugar

Networking for small business owners. Some new twists on old ideas to reinvent your networking efforts and drive new business. Read More

12 Most Little Known Tricks to Use On LinkedIn

Avatar Posted by q4sales under Online Marketing
From 4510 days ago
Made Hot by: hbstuart96 on March 23, 2012 4:14 am
Shelly Kramer gives a bunch of great tips to make LinkedIn a power strategy. Worthwhile read. This one stood out for me: Don't use that silly default introduction when you reach out to someone. Spend 20 seconds and write a personal request to connect. Read More
For those relatively new to Google plus, this post will help you navigate, adding friends (fast), circles, security, search engines, and more. Read. Learn. Connect. Read More
If keyword research is key to profitable websites, why do so many skimp on it? This SE Cockpit Review discusses that, alternatives, screenshots + more. Read More
I skipped Black Friday this year, fortunately there are some great deals online, especially for marketers. Hosting, email marketing, wordpress plugins. Check it. Read More

Increase Website Sales with Online Video

Avatar Posted by q4sales under Sales
From 5020 days ago
Made Hot by: sheena.willspheen on October 31, 2010 3:23 pm
Online Video is one of the best ways to communicate with customers for a small business owner. It doesn’t need to be elaborate or fancy, just to the point. People don’t read as much any more, so share your message in a video. Great links in here, too. Read More
Clate Mask gives 6 powerful ideas for creating order out of chaos in the world of small business and startups. Must read. From post: "We are in an entrepreneurial revolution. There has been an epic shift in people starting new businesses. People leave their jobs, either by choice, or by being... Read More

My Take on Sage ACT! 2011 Contact Management Software

Avatar Posted by q4sales under Marketing
From 5127 days ago
Made Hot by: ShawnHessinger on July 15, 2010 6:27 am
Today marks the first day customers can take advantage of the earlybird pricing for Sage ACT! 2011, here are some things to think about before you do Read More

195 Social Media Measurement Tools & Technologies

Avatar Posted by q4sales under Online Marketing
From 5153 days ago
Made Hot by: BusinessBloggerPro on June 23, 2010 4:15 pm
What is this list?  195 (and growing) Tools and Solutions to help you measure and analyze your Social Media efforts.
Special thanks to  Infusionsoft (Email Marketing 2.0 experts) for generously supporting our work to help other small and midsize businesses. 

I normally don't post my own links, but this list has gotten so much attention I couldn't help sharing it. Read More

11 Lessons I Learned Raising Venture Capital

Avatar Posted by q4sales under Raising Capital
From 5180 days ago
Made Hot by: MMarquit on May 27, 2010 4:49 pm
11 Lessons I Learned Raising Venture Capital

We recently just completed raising venture capital, (a Series A financing), in which we raised $1.1M. The round was led by MentorTech ventures, with participation from Amicus Capital and prominent Bay Area and Seattle angels. We started fundraising in earnest in August of 2009, so from start to finish it took us 8 months. Raising money was a lot harder and took a lot longer than we expected, but obviously with determination and a bit of luck it can be done Read More

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