These stories submitted by Sannwood became hot on BizSugar

Joe Galvin of Vistage: Leadership is the Art of Execution

Avatar Posted by sannwood under Management
From 2373 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on January 30, 2018 10:17 am
Joe Galvin, Vistage’s Chief Research Officer, shares some of the key takeaways from the latest survey, including why there is so much optimism among small business owners, why they’re looking to add employees, why 2018 will be a year to increase investments in their businesses and why there’s more Read More
In order to supercharge your content efforts, you will need to go beyond the fundamentals. You will need to implement best practices that will get your readers more engaged. The tips in this article will give you some ways you can take your content to the next level. Read More

32 Experts Share Their Best Tips on How to Avoid Product Launch Failure

Avatar Posted by sannwood under Startups
From 2457 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on November 7, 2017 10:30 am
Even if you have created a great product, a lot of its success is dependent on the launch. A product launch is vital because it creates the first impression in your audience’s minds. Here are some of the best tips shared by experts to help you avoid a product launch failure. Read More
We recently caught up with Bettina Hein, Founder and CEO of Pixability, a video ad buying and marketing platform. A serial entrepreneur, Boston-based Hein has built successful technology companies in the United States and in Europe. Read More

The Challenge of Making Sure Your Influencer's Followers Are Human

Avatar Posted by sannwood under Marketing
From 2464 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on October 30, 2017 3:07 pm
Philip Kozyrev talks with Ramon Ray about the importance of making sure an influencer's followers are human and not fakes or bots. Read More

9 Ways to Work Less and Make More Money in Your Handmade Business

Avatar Posted by sannwood under Startups
From 3095 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on February 7, 2016 2:12 pm
In almost any business, the goal is to “work less make more.” And if any type of entrepreneur truly needed to focus on this principal, it’s handmade business owners who make the products they sell. Read More

5 eCommerce Stores That Are Easy to Add to Your Website

Avatar Posted by sannwood under Technology
From 3102 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on February 2, 2016 2:37 pm
It's not your parents' eCommerce platform anymore. Today's online storefronts can be set up and added to a website by nontechnical entrepreneurs. You can literally be selling within a couple of hours, and for a few dollars a month (or less!) with these platforms. Read More

19 Tips for Creating an Explainer Video for Your Brand

Avatar Posted by sannwood under Marketing
From 3109 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on January 26, 2016 3:04 pm
When creating an explainer video, for it to be effective you need to make sure that it’s really going to offer benefit and appeal to your target customers. Here are some helpful tips. Read More

Tips for Using Periscope, the Hot Livestreaming Video App

Avatar Posted by sannwood under Social Media
From 3109 days ago
Made Hot by: MasterMinuteman on January 25, 2016 1:50 pm
Periscope offers business owners a whole new way to interact with customers and social media followers. These tips explain how to use Periscope for business purposes. Read More
Kira Wampler of Lyft shares with us why she prefers to think of marketing in terms of experiences, and why it’s critically important for her to communicate with as many customers as possible. Read More

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