These stories submitted by Scottfox became hot on BizSugar

A collection of free articles full of tips to help you get radio publicity interviews and get booked for guest interviews on podcasts.

How to pitch radio and podcast interviewers, how to get booked, the strategies you need to become a radio guest or TV guest.

From, the free Read More

8 Ways to Invest Your Time for Maximum Return this Holiday Week

Avatar Posted by scottfox under Online Marketing
From 4596 days ago
Made Hot by: Ruth Stone on December 27, 2011 5:22 pm
It's going to be a quiet week. Maybe you even have the week off from work. So what are you going to DO?

Here are 8 small projects that you can do online while everyone else is sleeping off their holidays. Every one will generate a positive ROI for you in 2012.

You won't be surprised if my Read More

Is the Internet BROKEN? (Video)

Avatar Posted by scottfox under Products and Services
From 4609 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on December 18, 2011 5:05 am
Broken. That's what many new e-commerce website owners think when their sites don't make them as much money as they hoped.

But often the problem is not the Internet but the design of their websites.

For example, it's hard to make money online when your e-commerce store doesn't use an e-comm Read More
Both AdSense pay-per-click advertising and affiliate marketing can make you money online. But which ad strategy is best?

This video covers the pros and cons of Google's AdSense PPC ads vs. making money from Affiliate ads, including my recommended strategies for your website.

Both Adsense PP Read More
How to form a partnership and how to pick a partner are common startup business questions. Finding a partner can help accelerate your e-business growth but it can also be dangerous.

For example, be careful about using the word "partner". That implies a 50/50 split before you even have the discu Read More
Don't compete on price alone. That's one of the quickest ways to LOSE money in your online business.

Instead you need to develop differentiation strategies that attract higher margin purchases.

This short video will help you brainstorm some unique value-added promotions to increase your cus Read More

Building Small Business Communities

Avatar Posted by scottfox under Social Media
From 4826 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on May 14, 2011 10:25 pm
How to build a profitable and friendly online community today? host Scott Fox shares his top tips for building a successful small business community online, both as a promotional tool for existing business or as a new profit center.

Community-building recommendations i Read More

The 6 Worst Website Design Mistakes (Hurting Your Sales)

Avatar Posted by scottfox under Online Marketing
From 4874 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on March 30, 2011 10:45 pm
How to redesign a web site to get more sales online?

Watch this video for your 6 most common website design mistakes.

Fixing these common mistakes will help your website's usability, user interface, user experience, SEO, search engine optimization, email list-building signups, and product s Read More
You told me that finding more free time was your #1 obstacle in one of my recent reader polls.

So, I thought hard about this and came up with a solution – do less!

Watch this short, three minute video for my hopefully helpful take on reducing your obligations to find more free time.

What Read More
Printed flyers and postcards can help you promote your online business, but are they worth it?

What should a flyer say to get people to visit my website or blog? What's the best way to do this?

Printed flyers and postcards are NOT my favorite marketing technique – but they still have some ap Read More

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