These stories submitted by Swssem became hot on BizSugar

10 Great Blogs & Websites for Small Biz Owners

Avatar Posted by swssem under Marketing
From 4784 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on June 25, 2011 1:41 am
Many small businesses are struggling as our economy continues to sputter and choke. There may not be a silver bullet to solve the growth problem, but there are some good resources on the web for small businesses looking to grow and expand. Here are some blogs and websites you may find helpful. Read More

How to Give Your Website a Health Check

Avatar Posted by swssem under Online Marketing
From 4826 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on May 11, 2011 5:43 pm
Here's how to use Google Webmaster Tools to give your website a regular checkup, keep it running well, and allow Google to index your pages and help people find you. Read More

5 Questions to Keep Your Visitors From Bouncing

Avatar Posted by swssem under Online Marketing
From 4833 days ago
Made Hot by: sprint01 on May 4, 2011 4:40 pm
The first 5 seconds of a visitor’s experience on your website will most likely determine what they do next. If the user is not attracted or impressed, they will “bounce” and quickly leave your website – then visit your competitors instead. A bounce rate over 50% is potentially a problem – and an Read More

7 Things To Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

Avatar Posted by swssem under Online Marketing
From 5036 days ago
Made Hot by: lovedthisarticle! on October 17, 2010 5:28 pm
Content is the key to a search spider’s heart. All YOU have to do is write it. But wait, don’t you also have a business to run? A job to do? And what if writing is just not your greatest talent? How are you going to keep the search engines happy and feed their insatiable appetite for new cont Read More
While it’s tough to achieve widespread fame and popularity in the blogging world, it’s very possible to build a following, establish your reputation, improve your search rankings, and draw qualified traffic and leads to your site. The trick is to focus. Narrow your goals. Start small and build from there Read More

4 Tips for Generating Leads Through LinkedIn

Avatar Posted by swssem under Social Media
From 5092 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on August 18, 2010 5:33 pm
Looking to generate sales leads? LinkedIn could be a great resource, especially if you’re in a professional service business. Like other forms of Social Media marketing, if you approach LinkedIn with a deliberate set of business goals, you can make it deliver real bottom line results Read More

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