These stories submitted by Tpoulentzas became hot on BizSugar

With so much uncertainty in the world at the moment, it’s no wonder so many are looking at creating some sort of security by means of an online business.

Now, I’ve been doing this whole online thing for a while now, and I continually get emails from my subscribers asking very similar q Read More

Email Marketing Success - Theo Poulentzas

Avatar Posted by tpoulentzas under Direct Marketing
From 1517 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on July 9, 2020 10:29 am
Throw a stone in the internet marketing community, and it will land on a course that will teach you exactly how to drive that traffic and get the conversions.

But once you’ve got subscribers joining your list – now what do you do? Read More

Basic Goal-Setting Principles - Theo Poulentzas

Avatar Posted by tpoulentzas under Self-Development
From 1524 days ago
Made Hot by: businessgross on July 2, 2020 2:40 pm
Goal setting is everywhere in our world. We set goals for our careers, our health, and our lives in general. It seems modern society is always encouraging us to think about the next milestone. Goals are the target at which we aim our proverbial arrow at.
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I have found over the years many wanna-be internet marketers will never truly realize their online dreams because they simply don’t focus all their efforts into a simple, automated model for making money online.
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YOU NEED... - Theo Poulentzas

Avatar Posted by tpoulentzas under Online Marketing
From 1529 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on June 26, 2020 10:46 am
It doesn’t take much for us to lose focus of what we should be doing. Our emails are bombarded daily from internet marketers wanting to be heard. Everyone’s got a ‘new angle’… a new piece of ‘software’… a ‘secret’ technique or strategy that no one else has thought about – makes it real easy for mos Read More

7 Tips For Writing Your Own eBook - Theo Poulentzas

Avatar Posted by tpoulentzas under Online Marketing
From 1532 days ago
Made Hot by: blogexpert on June 23, 2020 11:41 am
Most to first start off online tend to go the affiliate route… because it’s the road most traveled and option with least resistance.

But, if you ask many internet marketers – “What would you do differently if you were to start all over again today?”

9 out of 10 would say – “Create my own prod Read More
I know people who have been tinkering with this online stuff for years. I literally mean years!

And I find that they all go through the same stages. I know because I did the exact same thing. Read More

4 Key Factors To Online Success - Theo Poulentzas

Avatar Posted by tpoulentzas under Online Marketing
From 1537 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on June 18, 2020 8:38 am
Despite the fact that over 95% of people who begin this online journey will fail, and fail miserably!

Here’s another fact – This business is easy – I mean… it just is.

So why is it then that most people fail to achieve anything significant online? Read More
A squeeze page has one exclusive goal – to capture the user’s email – Usually in exchange for a small gift. There are no distractions, and everything is clear right from the start. Read More

6 Ideas that Drive Motivation - Theo Poulentzas

Avatar Posted by tpoulentzas under Self-Development
From 1543 days ago
Made Hot by: leonesimmy on June 13, 2020 5:53 pm
Motivation is the desire to act in the service of a goal. It’s the crucial element in setting and attaining one’s objectives—and research shows that people can influence their own levels of motivation and self-control. Read More

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